Papa Murphy's Copy-Cat Gourmet Vegetarian Pizza with Creamy Garlic Sauce Recipe (2024)

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25 minutes mins


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Papa Murphy's Copy-Cat Gourmet Vegetarian Pizza with Creamy Garlic Sauce Recipe (1)

Don’t get me wrong . . . I love meat! But there is just something about this pizza that is absolutely amazing. It is hands-down my favorite pizza but the only time I get to eat it is with my sisters because my husband refuses to even try it . . . he is definitely a “Meat-Lover” pizza kind of guy. So, after years of searching, I think that I have finally come up with the perfect copy-cat recipe that I can make at home to feed my cravings.

I have mentioned before that we have a family tradition of homemade pizza night and we let the kids make their own personal-sized pizzas with whatever toppings they want on it. When we do that, I usually make my own personal-sized vegetarian pizza, complete with a creamy garlic sauce. Just thinking about it is making my mouth water!

It’s absolutely delicious . . . and the perfect way to use up those fresh vegetables that are available this time of year!

Serves: 6 people

Papa Murphy's Copy-Cat Gourmet Vegetarian Pizza with Creamy Garlic Sauce Recipe

A delicious vegetarian pizza, complete with a creamy garlic sauce

Prep Time 15 minutes mins

Cook Time 10 minutes mins

Total Time 25 minutes mins



  • 1 12 inch pre-made pizza crust

Creamy Garlic Sauce:

  • 1 cup ranch dressing
  • 1 Tablespoon minced garlic
  • 1 Tablespoon grated parmesan cheese
  • 1 teaspoon garlic salt
  • 2 green onion diced
  • teaspoon italian seasoning


  • cups fresh spinach
  • 1 zucchini sliced thin
  • 1 cup fresh sliced mushrooms
  • 1 cup canned artichoke hearts died
  • 2 tomatoes diced
  • cup diced onion
  • cups shredded Mozzarella cheese
  • cup grated parmesan cheese


  • Heat oven to 400 degrees F.

  • Mix all of the ingredients for the creamy garlic sauce. Spread creamy garlic sauce on top of crust.

  • Add fresh vegetable toppings listed (and any other toppings you like).

  • Sprinkle cheeses on top, and bake for 8-10 minutes or until heated through.


Calories: 509 kcal · Carbohydrates: 43 g · Protein: 16 g · Fat: 31 g · Saturated Fat: 9 g · Cholesterol: 41 mg · Sodium: 1908 mg · Potassium: 351 mg · Fiber: 4 g · Sugar: 9 g · Vitamin A: 1411 IU · Vitamin C: 17 mg · Calcium: 249 mg · Iron: 3 mg

Recipe Details

Course: Main Course

Cuisine: American, Italian

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  1. Cool Emerald says:

    Wow, does that ever look fabulous! Going to try it ASAP!

  2. The Daily Smash says:

    What kind of ranch dressing did you use? I tried a copycat recipe for the chicken garlic pizza with the garlic sauce and didnt think it tasted anything like it. How does this sauce compare to the real papa murphys.

  3. Ella-Lauren says:

    That sounds delish! My husband is a meat lover pizza kind of guy too and wouldn't go for it...but I'll definitely have to try it when we have a home-made pizza night and each make our own. Thanks for sharing this!

  4. Vera Zecevic says:

    Well , I don't like pizza on 40 C degrees but this one look suitable for those how must eat pizza even is to hot :)

  5. Camille says:

    We use Hidden Valley Ranch and I seriously feel like this recipe is the closest I have gotten to the real thing! I have been playing around with the recipe for a long time and feel like this is pretty dang close. :)

  6. Eric and Elizabeth says:

    I love this blog. You girls have the best and yummiest recipes. I went to school at USU with Camille. We were on PLC together and I live in Vernal by your cousin Amber Hadlock. It is so fun to follow your blog!!!! Love it! Way to go AGGIES!

  7. Amber (bambi64) says:

    Thank you, thank you, thank you!! This our all time favorite pizza that we would get every Friday night. Of course lately it's become a special treat cause of no money to spare so to finally have a recipe where I can recreate our favorite pizza... I'm jumping up and down!! Now if only my zucchini had grown this year!!

  8. Miz Helen says:

    Hi Camille,
    I just love your Pizza and can't wait to have a taste! Have a great weekend and thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday.
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen
    A New Follower

  9. Jodie says:

    That pizza is my favorite from Papa Murphys too!! Love it!! Going to try this soon :)

  10. Jodie says:

    This is dumb, but i have never bought them before - do you buy artichoke hearts canned for this pizza?

  11. Camille says:

    There are no dumb questions! :) I just buy canned artichoke hearts. You can buy them marinated or plain (I like them plain, but my family likes the marinated ones). Both work great for this recipe! :)

  12. amydianet says:

    Thank you for sharing this recipe! The sauce is great! We found the chopped garlic tasted too raw for our tastes, so I strained it out this week (did you catch that this is the second weekend in a row we made this)and boy was it ever the best sauce! Seriously, a major copy cat of the real thing. Next time I think I'll just use garlic powder to add that needed garlic flavor. Thank you again for sharing!

  13. MerrittBadges says:

    This is our all-time favorite pizza! Thanks so much for sharing! Quick question: Would reduced calorie/fat ranch dressing have the same taste?

  14. Six Sisters says:

    Reduced calorie dressing would work just fine.

  15. lckaufman says:

    Do you think "greek yogurt ranch" would work? or stick to the real thing?

  16. Six Sisters says:

    I think the big difference would be the taste. And if you like greek yogurt ranch, then you should be just fine!

  17. Kristen says:

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

  18. Lucy Sorenson says:

    Do you heat the sauce?

  19. Cyd says:

    Just make it and put it on the pizza. It will heat with the cooking of the pizza. YUMMY! Hope this helps!

  20. Shannon says:

    Is it shredded parm or the shake parm in a jar, the kind you normally put on top?

  21. Kelly S. says:

    So....just a hint. :) If you go to their store you can purchase just the toppings, sauce, etc and make your own pizza. My husband and I do this since we are gluten free and can't eat their crust. We ADORE this pizza combo and now that we can make a killer gluten free crust at home we have the best of both worlds. It actually costs more for me to buy the ingredients individually at a grocery store than it does for me to stop by papa murpheys on the way home and buy the already prepped ingredients from them. :) OH and you can use the coupons for the pizzas towards the toppings. :)

  22. ashley says:

    I worked at papa murphys as a teen. If you really want the real creamy garlic sauce, all it is is ranch and garlic. Nothing else.

  23. Amber says:

    I made this last night, and tastes just like the real deal! Thank you for this recipe!!

  24. Mikaila says:

    I'll share a secret- Papa Murphy's creamy garlic sauce is just ranch and garlic. I think it's 2 2/3 cups of garlic to one gallon of ranch, so scale that down accordingly, but it really is that simple!

  25. Kelsey says:

    Can I just say how delicious this pizza is?? This is our favorite Papa Murphy's pizza, but I held off trying this recipe for a while because usually "copycat" recipes don't taste much like the real thing. But... I am pleasantly surprised to say that this tastes just like the real thing!! And I like my homemade dough much better than Papa Murphy's, so I am delighted to be able to make this myself! Thanks so much!!

  26. Tonya says:

    A lot of the Papa Murphy's finally have Gluten Free crust! Of course they can't prevent cross-contamination, so if you're Celiac that might not work, but if you simply don't eat wheat it's great and I like the taste of the GF crust better than their regular crust! AND Thank You SO MUCH for posting this recipe. I got the GF Gourmet Veggie for Christmas dinner and my son LOVED IT!!!! It's the most vegetables he's ever eaten in one sitting! So I was looking for the recipe to use as a sauce over cooked vegetables to get him to eat them. Woo Hoo!

  27. williegee says:

    1 cup of ranch dressing plus 2.66 tablespoons of garlic was enough sauce for 2 pizzas. However, next time I'll use a little less garlic and reduce the toppings (mom cheese) so the sauce can cook out a bit more. The pizza was delicious.

Papa Murphy's Copy-Cat Gourmet Vegetarian Pizza with Creamy Garlic Sauce Recipe (2)

About The Author:

Camille Beckstrand

Camille Beckstrand is married to Jared and they have 4 kids. She is a certified life coach that loves helping women become "unstuck" in their lives and is the host of the podcast "Moms On The Rise". She also loves a good true crime podcast, a big plate of cheesy loaded nachos, and going on adventures with her family.

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Papa Murphy's Copy-Cat Gourmet Vegetarian Pizza with Creamy Garlic Sauce Recipe (2024)


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Name: Trent Wehner

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