Teen Beach Movie/Transcript (2024)

How often do you hear that sentence?

Remember, I told you about themaniacal real estate developer?

Or that one.

Les Camembert knows this beachfrontproperty will be gold someday.

So he tells Big Momma to sell it to himso he can build an overpriced resort.

She says no.

Of course she does,or there'd be no movie.

- It gets better.- I can't wait.

Let's just stop right here.

No way. It's the Camembert hideout.

Let's go. Come on.

This is it.

How do we get in?


You know, I've dreamed of a schemelike this every since I was a mere lad,

conning my school fellowsout of their lunch money.

Lunch? How about takeout?

That's him.

He's all British and proper,but he's from Pittsburgh.

Who's that with him?

What are they building?

Desperate to get Big Momma's, LesCamembert hires a mad scientist,

Dr. Fusion, to carryout his diabolical idea.

Come on, come on.

What is that?

Les Camembert's diabolicalweather altering machine.

Yes, yes, yes.


This thing's almost built.Shouldn't you be off book?

This machine will so drasticallychange the weather patterns,

it will literally still theoceans so there's no longer surf.

It'll create humidity so dense,

it'll rust every piece off ofthose shiny chrome machines.

The surfers will leave tofind a new spot to surf,

the bikers won't come near thisarea ever again, and I shall triumph.

Triumph, I say!

You will have the last laugh.

Yes. I've always been ratherwary of the last laugh.

What if it was only moderately funny?

- Ha ha ha.- Ha ha ha.

- Ha ha ha.- Ha ha ha.

Ha ha.

- Ha ha...- Hah!

And this thing never won an Oscar.

Mack. Wait, wait.

In the movie, Lela andTanner discover Les' plan.

They unite the surfers and bikers,

and destroy the machine,which ends in an explosion.

That's what creates the storm.

So if Lela and Tannerdon't get back together,

which would put the movie back on trackthe way it's supposed to play out...

The chain of events thatcreate that storm won't happen.

And we'll be stuckhere and never get home.

Don't worry.

We'll figure it out.

Butchy, it's cold. Give me your jacket.

Oh, thanks again,Brady, for catching me.

You know, these are...

Oh, bunkers. Are you two together?

I would never take another girl's boy.

I mean that would be stealing,and probably very hard to return.

Uh, no, we're not together.

I mean, we're together,but we're not... together.

Lela, this is McKenzie.

So you wouldn't mind if Bradytook me for a walk on the beach?


Please. Beaches aremeant to be walked on.

That's why they're called... beaches.

You guys are strange.

I like that.

Um, meet me by the water, Brady.

Oh, it is very nice to meet you.

I don't get it.

Okay, first, you break up with me,

but then, you throw me inthe arms of someone else?

She's crushing on you.

I like you.

And until you go off to that school,I'm not gonna like anyone else but you.

The way I like you.

You're not seeing what'sright in front of you.

You're right in front of me.

I can explain it to you, Brady,but I can't understand it for you.

So the way to get her to like him,

is for me to deflect heraffections off of me and on to him.

I really hope so.

I'm gonna do the same with Tanner.

All right.

I'll be back as soon as I canget that smokin' girl to hate me.

- Hi.- Hi.

Um, do you mind if I join you?

Of course not. I'd wanna join me, too.

So, hey, I've never seena chick quite like you.

Chick? Really?

Hold on while I lay some eggs.


No, that was, um...

Never mind. Thank youfor the compliment.

It's nice.


So, Lela, how come you bikersdon't get along with the surfers?

Well, it's always been like that.

We're not supposed tohave a lot in common.

Plus, we both want Big Momma's.

Some of them seem pretty cool,like, um, that guy Tanner.

It was very courageous of you to chargethe stage like that, and save my life.

Courageous? No, no, no.


I mean, I'm sure anyonewould've done the same.

Even a surfer.

You're my hero.


I mean...

Listen, Lela...

It's amazing spending timewith you, but it's not...

I'm not what you think.

So you play the guitar.

I know.

No, I mean...

Are you good?

I feel a little tired, but...

At playing guitar.

Well, sure, when something inspires me.

"If music be the food of love, play on".

Was that Shakespeare?

Huh? No, that was me.

Sometimes I talk low for effect.

Oh, well, it works.

Thanks. I can do... High...

Also, but chicks really dig low better.


You know, I dig you, Mack.

You're different thanother girls around here.

Actually, no. I'm notdifferent. I'm totally the same.

The same as what?

As everyone that isn't different.

You mind if I write a song for you?

Uh, yes.

What word rhymes with Mack?

Smack? That's a terrible song.

Really, Tanner, youonly like me because you,

think that running intoyou was destiny, but...

Not our destiny, your destiny, with someonethat you're meant to be with that isn't me.


Oh, good. A song anyway.

♪I believe we all have a soul mate.

♪The chance for a perfect duet.

♪I believe in hopeless devotion.

♪I just haven't found her yet.

♪But in my mind, I see.

♪The chick who is meant for me.

♪She'll be someone who is lovely.

♪Someone wonderful and true.

♪The kind of boy who makes you smile.

♪Even when you're feeling blue.

♪And I know, I know she's out there.

♪Most definitely.

♪Oh, yeah.

♪Not a phony or a fake.

♪Sweeter than a chocolate shake.

♪My meant to be.

♪When it's meant tobe, you go kinda crazy.

♪Meant to be, you forget your name.

♪But it's meant tobe, it's destiny calling.

♪And nothing ever will be the same.

♪Oh, yeah.

♪You meet a girl who's into music.

♪To ride up high on Cupid's wings.

♪Find that boy with perfect hair.

♪Hello, Hollywood ending with strings.

♪Oh, I know, I know she's out there.

♪Can't you see.

♪Oh, yeah.

♪Maybe you've already metthe one you'll never forget.

♪Your meant to be.

♪When it's meant to be,the stars seem to glisten.

♪Meant to be, all the clouds depart.

♪When it's meant to be,that's destiny calling.

♪And if you listen,you'll find your heart.

♪Four eyes meet,and the meet is sweet.

♪Could it lead to something more?

♪What's the dealwhen the way you feel.

♪Is something you never felt before?

- Oh!- Gee.

- Um...- Plan B?

♪La la la, la la la-la.

♪La da-da da da.

♪La la la, da-da da.

♪La da-da da, la la la la.

♪La da-da da.

♪Da da-da da, la la la.

♪La la-la la, la la la.

♪When it's meant to be.

♪You go kind of crazy.

♪Meant to be, you forget your name.

♪When it's meant tobe, it's destiny calling.

♪And nothing ever will be the same.

♪La da-da, la da-da.

♪La da-da da da da.

♪Da-da da, da-da da.

♪La da da.

♪La da-da, la da-da.

♪La da-da da, da-da da.

♪It's destiny calling.

♪La da-da, la da-da.

♪La da-da da da da.

♪Da-da da, da-da da.

Thinkin' that didn'tgo as well as we hoped.

Oh, no. It's your favoritemovie. What do we do?

Uh, in the movie...

The next thing to happen is...

The biker girls all have a pajama party,

and the surfer guysall hang at Big Momma's.

Maybe we need to get ourselves invited.

All right, so I'll go thisway, you go that way. Cool?

- Yeah.- Let's do it.

My bad. It's my favoritemovie; I should know.

Brady, Lela!

You know what I have never done?

Eaten a rock, kissed a squirrel.

All exciting things, but no.

I've never had a pajama party.

We do them all the time.We're having one tonight.

- You don't say.- Sure, I do. I just did.

Tanner, what are you guys doing later?

Hangin' at Big Momma's. Wanna come?

- Sure.- Cool.

Girls tend to over complicate things.

Hey, Lela, you should totallyinvite Mack to your sleepover.

Oh, great idea. How about it, Mack?

I wouldn't miss it.

- Brady.- Whoa. You saw that, right?

If you did.

What's going on?

Well, Rash Guardsdidn't exist then, right?

So it doesn't belonghere, and it disappeared.

Wait, we didn't belong here either,so what's gonna happen to us?

No! No music. Brady.

We have to get out of here.I have to get on a plane.

It's not me.

No, no, this is not a song!

- What are you doing?- I'm trying something new.

- You always have it the same.- No.

Come on. One time.

Just keep teasin', Struts.

Jiminy jeeps, Chee Chee. Howhigh do you want me to go?

Until your ears pop.

Okay, but you better steerclear of ceiling fans.

And this time, make it even.

Last time, I kept tippin' over.

What do you think?

- Oh, my gosh.- Okay.

It's beautiful.

Should I wear this to go see Brady?

He loves to surf, and the water'sblue, and this dress is blue...

So the next time he goes surfing, he'llsee the blue water, and he'll think of me.

Oh, my gosh, I love it.

Why should a boy influencewhat you choose to wear?

Or anything you do?

Simple. A girl will look at your dress,

a boy will look at howyou look in your dress.

What's the matter with lettin'a boy be in control of things?

It's your life.

You can decide what to do.

I decide to let boys decide.

To ask us out.

Why don't you just ask them out?

Has the spark come off your plugs?

Yeah, we don't ask anyone out.

We can do anything a guy can do.

I don't know where you'refrom, but around here,

you have to ask a boyout without asking him.

You know.

Like, with your eyes.

What's up?

It's wigged out. I keep missing.

- What are you trying to do?- It's this game I play.

Where I shoot stuff, and Itry to hit that angry bird.

Wait a minute, angry...


So all you guys do aroundhere is hang, eat and surf?

Is there any other way?

Sounds perfect.

Sure are some boo-ha beautiesaround here, like that girl Lela.

The rodent?

We don't date no rats.

You wouldn't take out a girljust because she's a biker?

The tide wouldn't take out agirl just because she's a biker.

Don't listen to those guys.

Doesn't matter if a girl's asurfer or a biker, or a bookworm.

What do you like?

Well, a girl's gotta havesomething special, ya know?

♪When you meet.

♪When you meet.

♪A girl you like.

♪A girl you like.

♪You should take.

♪You should take.

♪My advice.

♪My advice.

♪Girls like boys.

♪Girls like boys.

♪Like me.

♪Ooh-ooh ooh ooh.

♪Ooh-ooh ooh ooh.

♪Take the lead, she likesit when you're in control.

♪Let her breathe, chillout, and go with the flow.

♪Make all the plans,don't be impolite.

♪I know what girls, know what girls.

♪Yeah, I know what girls like.

♪A quick glance, batyour eyes and look away.

♪Take a chance, whynot ask him on a date.

♪Pick up the check,no, bake him a pie.

♪I know what boys, know what boys...

♪Yeah, I know what boys like.

♪I know what girlslike, you know what I mean.

♪I know what boys like,boys like girls like me.

♪I know what girls like,girls like boys like me.

♪I know what boys like,boys like girls like me.

- Like me.- Like me.

- Like me.- Like me.

- Like me.- Like me.

♪Hang with the guys.

♪Don't let her know how much you care.

♪Look in her eyes.

♪And tell her even if you're scared.

- You got it wrong.- No, I got it right.

♪I know what girls, know what girls...

♪Yeah, I know what girls like.

♪Stretch pants, cutesweater and sweet perfume.

♪Don't dress for him.

♪It's better when you dress for you.

- I keep it loose.- My outfit is tight.

♪I know what boys, know what boys...

♪Yeah, I know what boys like.

♪I know what girlslike, you know what I mean.

♪I know what boys like,boys like girls like me.

♪I know what girls like,girls like boys like me.

♪I know what boys like,boys like girls like me.

- Like me.- Like me.

- Like me.- Like me.

- Like me.- Like me.

♪All the boys, they try to woo me.

♪The more they chaseme, the more I resist.

♪All the girls, they think I'm groovy.

♪There's only onegirl that's on my list.

♪I know what girls like,girls like boys like me.

♪I know what boys like,boys like girls like me.

♪I know what girls like,girls like boys like me.

♪Ooh-ooh ooh ooh.

♪Ooh-ooh ooh ooh.

♪I know what boys like,boys like girls like me.

♪I know what girls like,girls like boys like me.

♪I know what boys like,boys like girls like me.

♪I know what girls like,girls like boys like me.

- Like me.- Like me.

- Like me.- Like me.

- Like me.- Like me.

What's up, Elvis?

Hey, frat boy. How'd last night go?

So cool being one of thoseguys, even for a night, ya know?

They look out for each other.

Well, I couldn't getLela to talk about Tanner.

I don't think we're anycloser than we were before.

Not really, no.

What if we can't get them together?

We could be stuck here forever.

- Would it be so bad?- Yes.

Every minute that I'm here,

is another minute that I'mnot doing what my mom wanted.

Every minute that we'rehere, we're together.

I know but...

Besides, when will we getanother chance to be in a movie?

Like, actually in a movie?

Come on, Mack.

What's your hurry to grow up and leave?

Everyone's counting on me to.

Do you really want to?

- I thought you understood.- I do.

Then help me get home.


Maybe we just need to getLela and Tanner to spend

more time with each otherwithout peer pressure.

Right, so they get to know eachother as people, and not just rivals.


How are we gonna do that?

I don't know, but I'm not gonnastop until I figure it out.

Seacat, look!


Whoa ho, Wahini!



I've never been beaten on the wavesbefore, especially not by a girl.

I think that girls cando anything guys can do.

If I was gonna thinksomething right now, I think...

I think that peoplearen't always what I think.

Does that go for bikers, too?

The truth is, bikers aren't that bad.

They want the same thing we want.

We just want it better.

So why all the conflict between you?

I don't know.

It's sort of what everyone expects.

Like, it's the way it'salways been, I guess.

It's, like, your heart'stelling you one thing but...

You feel like you haveto do something else.

Yeah. I feel like, it's just the "somethingelse" that always gets in the way.

You're a pretty smart guy.

Yeah, but more pretty.

I know this electronic stuffcan be really complicated.

Oh, come here.

Come here, come here,come here, come here.

- Uh...- Sit.

- Really, Lela, it's fine.- No, we're just gonna try it.

Are you okay?

Yeah, I'm just... homesick.

Oh, no, is it the decor?

Oh, no, no, I'm not sickof your home, I'm just...

How are things with you and Brady?


I guess.

How are things with you and Tanner?

Good, I guess.

You know, sometimes...

I think that boys don'ttell us what they're thinking

just because telling uswould involve more thinking.

But they make up for it by being cute...

And boys.

Hey, that's a really pretty necklace.

It's Hawaiian.

It means friendship forever.

Like us now.

You're not at all whatI thought you'd be.


I'm not as much like me as people think.

You know, it's funny. I feellike I could tell you anything.

Yeah, I know, it doesfeel like that, doesn't it?

I have a secret I've never told anybody.

Well, you can tell me if you want.I mean, friendship forever, right?

Okay. Okay.

- Ready?- Mm hmm.

I wanna surf.



I mean, like a pro. It'sabsolutely insane, I know.

And if my brother ever foundout, he would blow a gasket.

Plus, no girls ever surfed like a boybefore, I mean, until you, but that's...

That's what I wanna do.

It's crazy, huh?


Never let anyone tell you whatyou can and can't do in life.


How do I do that?

It's not always easy, believe me, but...


You think I should surf?

You definitely should surf.

Know what? Brady would even teach you.

I mean, he taught me everything I know,and I'm a pretty great surfer, right?

You really think he would do that?

Yeah. It's a perfectplan. I'll set it up.

- Okay! Woo!- Okay.

Hey, Tanner, so youknow what I would love?

A walk on the beach in that direction.

Now. As in, the walkin that direction now.


I made this for you.

You made that for me? Really?

There are like, over

indigenous to thisregion which would look...

So rad on a foxy babe like you.


That's beautiful.

So, how about that walk?

Is it ready to be tested, Doctor?


This machine will create enough humidityto cause excessive precipitation.

Inducing torrential rains.

As well as lots of frizzyhair and stinky pits.

Good. The more "hoomidity," the better.

- Humidity.- Hmm?

- Hu.- Hmm?

- Hu.- Hmm?

- Hu.- What about me?

- Not hoo, hu.- Me what?

- You said hoo.- No, you said hu.

No, it's not hu, it's hoo.

Yes, I know it's me. Whywould I not know who I am?

Now, we just flip this switch.


There, that's better. Itwas getting dark in here.

Now, we just flip thisswitch, ever so delicately...

To protect the intricate innerworkings of the machine, and...


Uh, Tanner! Hi.

Um, so I gotta go talk to Brady, buthow about we meet in a few minutes?

Oh, yeah, sure.



You're a wizard of weather.

A jet stream genius rising to theoccasion under intense barometric pressure.

- Oh, go on.- Your mother must be so proud.

I'm just like her, youknow. I even have her eyes.

Of course, I let herkeep the rest of her face.

We've only got one mother.

So, now that we've temporarilycaused these changes in the weather,

how do we make them permanent so we can getrid of these bikers and surfers for good?

We need to magnify the power.


Lime soda.

- Strawberry soda?- Plutonium.

In two hours' time...

This liquid will turn green,

and reach a boilingpoint of 647 degrees.

Or as we scientists liketo call it, wow, that's hot!


All right, meanwhile, let's go seethe effect it's had on the water.

- After you.- After you.

- No, after you.- No, after you.

Brady, did you see that?

Yeah, and it's the finalwarning before the big storm.

Les' plan is working.

Okay. Okay, we need to get back intothe lighthouse to try and stop him.

But we need the element of surprise.

Do you think we can getinto it from the water?


Mack, you okay?

- Hair.- Hair?

Hair, hair!

- Your hair isn't wet.- Hair isn't wet.

- What does that mean?- It means that my hair isn't wet.

- And that means?- We're morphing.

Changing, Brady. We'remorphing into the movie.

- We're changing?- We're changing.

♪What are we gonna do?

You're singing.

♪I'm singing.

Why are you singing?

♪I don't know, I suddenly just...

Broke into song.

We're part of aninvoluntary musical number.


- Stop.- I can't stop.

- Stop!- I can't stop.

This isn't good. First,the Rash Guard vanishes.

Then your hair.

Now this.

♪What's going on?

♪This can't be happening.

- Don't tell me it's a song.- It's a song.

♪This wasn't how I planned it.

♪Can't you see thatthis has gone too far?

♪Please just pause the DVR.

♪Someone, won't you make it stop?

♪I'm losin' my mind.

♪I don't see your problem.

♪Everything I say, it rhymes.

♪Here comes another line.

♪Just close your eyesif you don't wanna see.

♪What's this choreography?

♪Someone, won't you make it stop?


♪I can't stop singing.

♪Make it stop, make it stop.

♪Am I real or just a prop?


♪I can't stop singing.

♪So let's just talk.

♪Talk, talk.

♪It's just a song.

♪An inefficient wayto move the story along.

♪I'm done.

♪You're just being cynical.

♪No, it's just the principle.

♪Someone, won't youmake it, make it stop?

Don't make it stop.


♪I can't stop singing.

♪Make it stop, make it stop.

♪Am I real or just a prop?


♪I can't stop singing.

♪So let's just talk.

- Talk, talk.- Talk, talk.

- Talk.- Talk.

♪Talk, talk, talk, talk,talk, talk, talk, talk, talk.

♪We're trapped inside a musical revue.

♪At least I'm here with you.

♪I don't wanna make it stop.


♪I can't stop singing.

♪Make it stop, make it stop.

♪Am I real or just a prop?


♪I can't stop singing.

♪Does it stop, does it stop?

♪Is it ever gonna stop?


♪I can't stop singing.

♪So let's just talk.


Okay, okay, has it stopped?

- Uh-huh.- Okay.

Let's go find Lela and Tanner.

- All right.- Come on!

- Oh, hey.- Oh.

- Are you waiting for Mack?- Yeah.

- You waiting for Brady?- Yeah.

All right.

So, we gotta get Lelaand Tanner together.

We have to make them findout about Les' machine,

and have them destroy itbefore it destroys them.

Oh, no! We're talking in plot points.

Going somewhere?

Let's go.

You're not going anywhere.

I know karate.

And, like, two other Japanese words.

- Brady!- Ah!




Brady? Brady!

Oh, he's fine. It was only on stun.



In the movie, that looked likeit would hurt a whole lot less.


We're gonna surf.

- What? You like to surf?- I know.

It's like riding a cloud,except the cloud is water.

No way! I said the samething, except not right now.

I know that bikers aren't supposedto like surfing, but I don't care.

Oh, my gosh.

- I don't care.- You don't?

- Hey, you know what?- No, I don't know that either.

I've always wanted to ride a motorcycle.

- Are you serious?- No, I'm Tanner.

I grew up riding.

Is that why you're stunningas a moon, lighteth up a day.

Who said that?

I just did.

Wow. I really like your low voice.


- I can do ♪high, too.- Yeah.

You know, who would've thought that a bikerand a surfer could have so much in common?

- Not me.- Stop.

- Okay, I'll stop.- Okay, I'll stop.

Did you ever think that maybe...

The person you thought was perfectfor you isn't as perfect for you as,

the perfect person for you?

You mean...

- You?- And...


♪Oh, I know, I know he's out there.

♪Most definitely.

♪Most definitely.

♪Maybe you've already met.

♪The one you'll never forget.

♪Your meant to be.

♪Your meant to be.

♪La da-da, la da-da.

♪Da-da da da.


♪La da-da la la la.

♪La da-da, la da-da.


♪La da-da la la la.

♪La da-da, la da-da.

♪When it's meant tobe, you go kinda crazy.

♪Meant to be, you forget your name.

♪When it's meant tobe, it's destiny calling.

♪And nothing ever will be the same.

♪La da-da la la la.

♪La da-da, la da-da.

♪La da-da la la la.

♪La da-da, la da-da.

♪Da-da da da.

♪La da-da, la da-da.

♪La da-da la la la.

♪La da-da, la da-da.

♪La da-da la la la.

Wait. What are we goingto tell Mack and Brady?

Yeah. Where are they, anyway?

I gave this to Mack. She was wearing it.

- Then why did she take it off?- Something's not right.

We need to get help.

In mere moments, less time than ittakes for me to steal this scene...

This machine will changethe weather patterns,

I shall take possessionof Big Momma's...

Big Momma's.

And all your friends willdisappear forever, or longer.

Yeah well, there'sone flaw to your plan.

Oh, really?

And what might that be?

I don't know. Isn't there alwaysone flaw with these kinds of plans?

Well, I'm off to measure thebeach for a resort parking lot.

Everyone listen.

Les Camembert wants to destroy us.

He's built a weather...

A weather machine thatwill stop the tide.

- And rust all of our bikes.- Just to get rid of us.

Plus, he has Mack and Brady heldcaptive in a secret location.

We don't know whereit is because it's...

- A secret!- Oh, Lordy!

- We need your help.- Us or them?

- Us.- I think she meant us.

I mean all of us.

Our only hope is to worktogether, free our friends,

and destroy that weather machinebefore it destroys our world.

Why should we do anything with them?

We didn't wanna doanything with you first.

- Together, we can help each other.- Why should we listen to you?

I never thought I'd haveanything in common with a biker.

That is...

Until I took a ride with one.

In fact, all that fighting ever didfor us was stop us from seeing...

What we all have in common.

Big Momma's, the beach, and...


I love you, sis.

Now let's do this...

- Together.- Together!


Could be worse.

At least my favorite moviewasn't Tarantulas On A Train.

Okay, you've lost it.

If we hadn't have come here...

I'd be on the plane rightnow, heading to some...

Private school tobecome something that...

I really don't wanna be.

You don't, do you?

I've spent this entiremovie telling Lela,

to follow her heartand do what she loves.

And she did.

She's more courageous than I am.

That's not true.

You're braver than anyone I know.

So you're glad we came.

I couldn't be more glad.

It's, like, I'm tied up,but at the same time...

I've never felt more free.

You were right.

What's the hurry to grow up?

When I could be stuck in 1962 with you.

♪When it's meant to be.

♪The stars seem to glisten.

♪Meant to be, all the clouds depart.

♪Meant to be, all the clouds depart.

♪When it's meant to be.

♪It's destiny calling.

♪And if you listen,you'll find your heart.

♪And if you listen,you'll find your heart.

We only have one loose screw left, andthen, we'll be ready to change the world!

Do you really wanna do this?

Ruin the lives of all these people?

Just because you can magnify the powerof nuclear plutonium by 647 degrees,

doesn't mean you have to.


What? It's not like I never paidattention while you watched the movie.

How did you know that? Who are you?

We're from the future,and you're not real.

You're just a villain in amovie we got stuck in somehow.



I'm nothing but a...

A flicker on a silver screen?

Yeah, pretty much.

Bad news, bad news, bad news!

The surfers and thebikers have united together

in order to destroy us and save you two.

How's that bad news?

Bad news for you.

Really? Doctor.


It's time.

The machine, man!

Look, a ray. Thatmust be where they are.

I gotta be honest with you.

I'm not big on lighthouses.It's kind of a thing.

For some people, it's snakes,for some people, it's heights.

For me, it's lighthouses.

Oh, you can do this. We're all with you.

What do ya say?

Whoa! My fear is gone.

Let's go!

- Lela.- Tanner.

- Mack.- Brady.


We are here to save you.

♪Surf surf crazy.

- Surf, surf crazy.- Surf, surf crazy.

♪Ooh-ooh ooh ooh.

♪Surf surf crazy.

Oh, no.


No! No!


Look at that, Brady. They gottogether all by themselves.

We're here to save you.

Oh, yeah!


♪Surf, surf!

♪Surf surf crazy.

♪Surf surf crazy.

♪Grab the perfectwave, say hi to the sky.

♪Hi to the sky.

♪Surf, sun and sand.


♪Cruisin' for a bruisin'.


We can't break this thing apart.

Wait. This motor isn't muchdifferent than a four stroke, 500cc,

flat twin, air-cooled wankel withshaft final and rear wheel drive!

The kind you guysrefurbish all the time.

She's right, but it's too hard to getto without taking the whole thing apart,

especially with these sausage fingers.

Not for me, it isn't.

♪Cowabunga attack!

- Ah!- Lela, watch out!

Look out. This whole thing'sgonna blow. Let's get outta here.

♪Surf, surf!

♪Surf surf crazy.

I can't even imagine a scenariowhere this works out well for us.


♪Surf surf crazy.


I'm not sure I likethe way this movie ends.

Movie? What movie?

Glad you asked. It seems we're allin this movie, and we're the villains.


Tell me more.

What is this?

How did... how did we get back here?

It's exactly where we're supposed to be.

- The movie's back on track.- Yeah.

We can leave.

- There they are!- You did it.

Of course! Because girlscan do anything boys can do.

We gotta get back home.


No. Stay. You'll love it here.It's always just like this.



Where we're going, it's perfect, too.

I'm gonna make sure of it.

Hey, you guys saved Big Momma's.

And for that, we are, toyou, gratefully grateful.

Ever since you guys got here, it'sbeen, like, it's been a different world.

It's not just because of us.


Friendship forever.

- Forever.- Yeah.

Come here.


Sure you're ready?


Let's go.

Surf's up!

- That's the one.- Yeah. You ready?

- Absolutely. Let's go.- Yeah.

Go, go, go, go!

You okay?

Wet, wet!

- What?- Not what, wet. My hair is wet.

Your hair is wet.

It's a wet, beautiful, stringy mop.

And look, no time has passed.It's exactly as we left.

We did it.

Now you have the chance to surf one ofthe biggest waves to ever hit this beach.

And I promise, I won't try and save you.

Hey, if I needed saving,I'd want it to be you.

Go shred that wave.




That was outstanding.

Thanks, grandpa.


Do you know what you've done?

We are late for our flight, late forregistration, totally off schedule, and...

Aunt Antoinette, I love you.

And mom would be so happythat you care so much.

But I think you've been wrong.

I mean, my mom...

Wouldn't want me to besuccessful like you, she'd...

Want me to be happy doing what I love,like you are, doing what you love.

But it's not what I love.

I'm trying to read between the lines.

I wanna stay here for high school.

I wanna be with Brady.I wanna surf more.

And later, I don't know what.

But the thing is...

I don't have to know.

And when I do decide.

It'll be my choice.


Teen Beach Movie/Transcript (2024)


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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Author information

Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.