#jake webber x fem reader | Explore Tumblr Posts and Blogs | Tumgik (2024)

brcksbf · 1 month


#jake webber x fem reader | Explore Tumblr Posts and Blogs | Tumgik (1)

kiss me once more !

★ / person ── jake webber

★ / readers ── female pronouns / reader

★ / warnings ── slight implied smut, small makeout session + short oneshot.

love arden 𖦹 hello demons, It's me ya boi, and welcome to my first post. this is the first time I have written something like this before and it is my first time on tumblr, so please bare with me whilst I try to better my writing and my skills so I can improve and provide you all with better stuff.

this ended so differently from what I wanted

#jake webber x fem reader | Explore Tumblr Posts and Blogs | Tumgik (2)

T.he strong blinding ball of florescent yellow, began to slowly arise, narrowly peaking through the pastel coloured horizon, sharp, bitter frost laid across the delicate dyihg green grass, cars quietly cruising the silent streets ── Three in the morning was never a time for Jake webber, it was a time he wished to never know, however that was the case until he met the women of his dreams, Y/N.

He had zero choice but to befriend that scarily early time, it was the one time where he could be with Y/N without the looming threat of the other falling asleep due to the exhaustion of her tough graft ── It was a tiny time frame that they both got to spend together, it was cherished, a break before the taunting day ahead.

And Jake heavily insisted on waking up along with his girlfriend much to her dismay.

" Baby, wake up " a familiar voice stirred the half asleep Jake awake, breaking him from his peaceful slumber, his dark coloured eyes narrowly opening, his pale, plump lips pulling themselves into a deep smile upon seeing his girlfriend looking at him, Y/N leant down placing gentle kisses over Jake's tender cheeks.

" Morning " Jake muttered into his pale pink, stain pillow, allowing the love of his life to run her slender fingers throughout the bedhead mess, relaxing under the sensitive touches, Y/N leant down peppering kisses down his spine, delicately nibbling at the skin, leaving faint love bites.

It was a wake up call that always seemed to happen, a routine made without ever meaning it too.

" Stop " Jake quietly chuckled, Y/N immediately halted despite knowing that they were both enjoying the soft spark of sensational feelings, Jake forced himself to sit keeping the crisp pink sheet against his shirtless body protecting himelf from the bitter morning air.

" You have work, and we both know what happens if I let you carry on " Jake teased poking Y/N's forehead pushing the women away from his body, he could see the hunger within her eyes, he felt the hunger too but he also knew all too well the consequences of what would happen if she allowed Jake to continue.

" Well what if I want it to happen? " Y/N plaufully questioned, loving eyes devouring the man in front of her, Jake perfectly acting as if his heart wasn't pounding vigorously against his ribs, the need for Y/N grew.

But he needed to be strong.

" You wish, baby, but you need to work " Jake smirked pulling Y/N towards him for one last kiss, their lips dancing with each other, Jake's pink tongue pushing its way through her sealed lips, almost inaudible whimpering as Y/N fought back, daring to be more dominant.

Heat arose between them, both finding their needs slowly being tended too, Y/N sitting on top of Jake's lap, her fingers tracing his back, Jake enjoying the pressure that Y/N continued to add, a little piece at a time, as her nails dug deeper into his burning skin, only for Jake to stop Y/N again.

" Not gonna happen baby " Jake sheepishly smirked hands on Y/N chest preventing her from moving any closer, Y/N lightly pouted, moving off her boyfriend's lap, already missing the warmth of his body whilst she sulked at the end of the bed.

" Spoil sport " Y/N childishly huffed, Jake chuckling, as he crawled over to her wrapping his toned arms around her waist peppering soft kisses on her neck, Y/N smiling at the loving contact.

" What are you doing? " Y/N questioned, her tender tone deepening ever so slightly, she could feel Jake's lips forming a small smile, roughing the kisses ever so slightly.

" Giving you enough kisses to last the day so you won't miss me " Jake innocently whispered into Y/N right ears, nibbling at it lightly, a dark shade of pink spread across her cheeks.

" Well you better kiss me once more " Y/N softly ordered, enjoying the extra attention, Jake happily complying to the hungered order

It was safe to say that both parties regretted the women making the choice to do an extra shift to earn a little more overtime.

#jake webber x fem reader | Explore Tumblr Posts and Blogs | Tumgik (3)

from arden ── I love you all, I hope that you found this enjoyable, it is lightly edited since I'm tired! & I think this goes without saying but I mean no harm or disrespect to Jake, this was purely fictional & I own all of my edits and oneshots so please don't steal them.

#jake webber#jake webber x reader#jake webber x you#jake webber x y/n#jake webber x female reader#jake webber fluff#jake webber one shot#jake webber smut#jake webber imagine#jake webber x fem reader

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liseytopia · 2 months


thinking about jake webber who would play with your hair, humming various song lyrics while you sat in between his legs, drinking tea before bed. he'd place tender kisses on your neck and repeatedly remind you how pretty you were in hushed whispers, hands gliding over your skin gently, showing only a small amount of the overflowing passion he had for you. <3

#UGHHHH MY BOYYYY#i'm INSANELY in love with him#jake webber imagine#jake webber blurb#jake webber#jake webber x reader#jake webber x fem!reader#jake webber x you

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cherieluver · 4 months


My intro...

#jake webber x fem reader | Explore Tumblr Posts and Blogs | Tumgik (4)

Hi, I'm Carmen,,, I'm 18 ('05) and will be writing fanfics about whoever I like (mostly in the tags). It'll usually always be x readers but I'll be taking requests <3 bye-bye

#johnnie guilbert#x reader#reader insert#fem reader#jake webber#hannibal#adam stanheight#hobie brown#rodrick heffley#pedro pascal#buggy the clown#portgas d ace

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enderfenderdragon · 16 days


what do you think?

i've been thinking and watching corpse husband, sam and colby and just paranormal investigating.

what do you guys think about sam and colby having corpse husband do a video or episode with them?

just a thought

and i am aware that corpse husband has stepped away from content creation.

im not saying that i want this to happen.

im not saying im gonna do anything bad if this doesn't happen.

im just puting out my thoughts for you guys who watch corpse husband and/or sam and colby content.

#colby brock#colby brock smut#sam and colby#colby x reader#colby frey#sam golbach#jake webber#sam and colby x reader#sam x reader#x reader#fem reader#gn reader#reader insert#x female reader#gender neutral reader#corpse#corpse husband#fake blood#horror art#disturbing#horror#corpse husband x reader#corpse x reader

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ghxstyfae · 1 month


give us hella tara fics!!! i’m talking head canons, smut, fluff, angst, everything!!!! we need fics of her

This is so real bc she is the LOML<3

Please drop some requests and stuff in the comments or my ask box!!!

I have so many things planned for her i promise!

#fanfiction#tara yummy headcanons#jake johnnie and tara#tara yummy x fem#tara yummy x reader#tara yummy#ms yummy#tara#johnnie guilbert#jake webber

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corrodedcoffins-blog · 1 month


New Set


note: rewatched a video where johnnie was talking about girls with nails giving head scratches, had to write it

warnings: none just fluff <3

word count: ~520

♡ summary: Giving boyfriend!Johnnie head scratches after getting new acrylics

♡ Johnnie Guilbert x fem!reader

request ✗

#jake webber x fem reader | Explore Tumblr Posts and Blogs | Tumgik (5) #jake webber x fem reader | Explore Tumblr Posts and Blogs | Tumgik (6) #jake webber x fem reader | Explore Tumblr Posts and Blogs | Tumgik (7) #jake webber x fem reader | Explore Tumblr Posts and Blogs | Tumgik (8) #jake webber x fem reader | Explore Tumblr Posts and Blogs | Tumgik (9)

After a long day apart all Johnnie needs is some attention. Filming two videos with Jake today, and not seeing his girlfriend because she was out doing errands all day, he needed physical touch and to recharge his social battery. His girlfriend is always the perfect person to do so.

He was laying in his bed now, on his phone, filming a couple tiktoks and drafting them for later.

While he was scrolling, liking and reblogging a couple videos of himself, the door to his room creaked open, the girl he had been waiting for peeking her head in.

“Close your eyes.” The girl demands, in her soft voice, it’s amazing to Johnnie how she can be so soft spoken when she is demanding something from him, one of the things he loves and finds so cute about her.

Without question Johnnie closes his eyes hearing his girl walk around the room, placing something that sounded like bags on the floor before he felt the bed dip beside him. Placing his hand there he confirmed it was her knee, the other knee coming to the other side of him so she was now straddling him. The boy’s hands come to rest on the back of her thighs, squeezing lightly when she readjusts.

“Okay, open!” Opening his eyes he sees his beautiful girlfriend sitting on his lap with her hands out in front of herself, displaying her fresh set of nails. “You like them?”

The bright colours weren't Johnnie's style by any means, but on his girl, he knew anything she had would look amazing.

Dragging his hand up the girl's sides then letting go of her body to grab her hands, lacing their fingers together and placing soft kisses on her fingers and mumbling against them, “Very much.”

His reaction pulls a small laugh from the girl on top of him, while she pulls her hands out of his to place her hands on the sides of her boyfriend’s neck, giving him gentle head scratches at the nape of his neck, moving her hands up on his head and running her hands through the boy’s long hair.

“Mhmmm, keep doing that.” “Yeah?” “Mhmm.”

With small moans from her boyfriend, she flips them both over, Johnnie now laying on top with his head in the crook of her neck, his lips leaving kisses on the collar of the girl’s low cut top.

Her nails continuing to scratch the boy’s scalp, taking little breaks to run her fingers through the length of his hair. These small actions lulling Johnnie to sleep, the girl only noticing when Johnnie puts his full dead weight on her body, and his head falling into her cleavage and his mouth doing nothing about it, meaning he had to be unconscious.

Letting the boy rest, the girl grabs the boys phone from his back pocket, hers being out of reach if she wanted to keep the boy on top of her asleep. Going on tiktok liking and reblogging more posts on Johnnie’s account, even filming a short video of them showing the sleeping boy, and picking ‘Zombie’ as the sound. He’ll find it later.

#johnnie guilbert#johnnie guilbert x fem!reader#johnnie guilbert x reader#johnnie guilbert fluff#johnnie guilbert fic#johnnie guilbert fanfic#jake and johnnie#jake webber x reader#jake webber

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iateyourparents · 4 months


red kisses | j.w.

pairing: jake webber x fem!reader

summary: you got a new lipstick and you just had to prank your boyfriend with it.

warnings: nothing really, just bad writing and grammar(sorry, english isn’t my first language).

an: i got this idea from tik tok but i unfortunately couldn’t find this girl:((

pictures are from pinterest:)

#jake webber x fem reader | Explore Tumblr Posts and Blogs | Tumgik (10)

You got a new lipstick. But not any lipstick, it was a color changing lipstick.

At first it was in neutral color and then after few minutes it was starting to get red and redder until it was bloody red.

So of course you had to use this on your lovely boyfriend.

You already pranked him with normal red lipstick and he wasn’t mad but well, now he was making sure you doesn’t have red lipstick on when you kissed him before he was supposed to go out.

Currently Jake was in shower so you quickly took your phone deciding to share this prank with your viewers on instagram later. You recorded a quick intro telling them about your purchase and plan.

Then when you heard that water stopped running you pretended that you still were on the couch with your phone.

„Hi baby.” Jake smiled at you and sat next to you.

„Hi love.” you also smiled at him opening your arms and he gladly laid half of his body on yours and snuggled into you.

You stayed like that a few minutes.

“Go dry your hair babe, we don’t want you to get sick and you have to go in few minutes.” you reminded him. He was supposed to be out with Johnnie in thirty minutes so that was perfect opportunity for your prank.

Jake sighed but did what you said and went to bathroom to use dryer.

„Baby, can you do my hair?” you heard Jake asking.


Few minutes later he was sitting on the floor in front of you with you brushing his hair. You styled it the way you knew he liked and then he was almost ready to go.

„I’ll go change. I’ll miss you.” he pouted and you giggled quietly kissing the top of his head.

„I’ll miss you too but i’m not sure if Johnnie will be happy with that reasoning.”

„Stupid Johnnie.” you heard Jake muttering under his breath and you only shook your head with small smile while he was getting up from the floor.

He went to yours room and you quickly started recording on your phone and you put on your new lipstick. As you expected, it was almost clear like a lipgloss. You quickly hid your phone and not five seconds after you were done with hiding, Jake was back from the bedroom in new clothes.

You acted like you were taking something from a cabinet in kitchen.

„I have to go.” you didn’t have to look at him to know he had a pout on his lips.

You smiled at him and opened your arms and he quickly ran to you and was snuggling into you.

Few seconds later he took his hands from your back to grab your waist and lift you onto the kitchen counter.

You giggled and took his face in your hands and kissed his lips, he gladly deepened kiss.

When you disconnected your lips you also left kiss on his left cheek and side of his neck. You made sure to press your lips a little harder to leave a lipstick in those places.

„Don’t keep Johnnie waiting.” you lightly patted his ass and he smiled at you.

“I’ll be back soon.” he promised at kissed your forehead and then nose “Bye love.”

“Bye baby, have fun!” you waved at him and he got out.

You took your phone from its hiding spot and you stopped recording.

You waited few minutes and then updated your video with how your lips and places Jake kissed were almost bloody red.

You waited for some message from Jake about your prank but got nothing so you waited for him to be back home.

Finally, some time later when you were watching a film you heard a keys jiggle on the other side of the door so you quickly started recording and pointed phone camera on the door.

Jake came in with wide smile and red lips shaped spot remaining on his neck, but the ones from lips and cheek were gone.

“So I noticed your prank.” he accused pointing his finger at you “How the hell it appeared after I was out?”

You laughed and explained “I bought color changing lipstick.”

He gasped and came to sit next to you.

“I was so shocked when Johnnie told me about lipstick stains because you had no lipstick on.” he pouted and you giggled, but then he smiled widely and pointed at the kiss on his neck “I kept this one and I think I should make a tattoo like this one with your kiss.”

You smiled at him because well, he for sure looked good with this kiss.

“You definitely should.” you nodded and stopped recording to start kissing him and he gladly accepted this.

“But be careful.” he warned when you disconnected your lips “I’ll have my revenge!” he laughed mischievously and you only nodded with small smile.

“Sure love.” and you were back to kissing him.

#jake webber x reader#jake webber#sam and colby#colby brock#tara yummy#johnnie guilbert#sam golbach

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v4mp-reads · 3 months


hiii! Can u write Jake Webber being absolutely puss* drunk and then reader giving him so much love it makes him emotional because he’s never been loved so much🫶🏻

#jake webber x fem reader | Explore Tumblr Posts and Blogs | Tumgik (11)

Sorry about the wait on this one needed to clear something up

Don’t cry my love.

Jake Webber x Fem! Reader. Fluffy smut!


Warnings: sex drunk jake! , vs face sitting! praise, use of pet names, p n v, unprotected sex ( use PROTECTION PPL) slight d/s themes, soft dom!jake

Word count:1.5k


Y/ns pov

I was laying in mine and Jake's shared bed waiting on him to finish recording, it was probably twelve am and I could still hear him and Johnnie playing around, it didn't bother me much tho. I scrolled through my phone for a while before Jake fell on the bed beside of me “hi y/n i missed you so much while i was recording, i was thinking that we could cuddle and watch a movie for the rest of the night” he rambled on before i cut him off “come on baby lay down”

He climbed in the bed close to me as I laid my head on his chest. While he was trying to find a movie to turn on, I began to trace over his tattooed arms, this must have turned him on because he slowly shifted his bottom half away from me. I didn't pay much mind to it and I thought he was just trying to get comfortable. We laid there, and watched the movie. I shifted closer to him, throwing my leg over his crotch area, causing him to jump a bit. I could feel his arousal against my leg. I thought it would be fun to see how much I could do before he snapped.

About thirty minutes later, I had moved from using my leg to using my hand to palm him through his sleep shorts, he was letting out soft little moans, they only turned me on more. “Mhmm, my love don't tease” he spoke, I turned to look at him his eyes held a mix of lust and love. “What do you mean? I’m not doing anything wrong” I said softly, “mhmmm, really now, nothing wrong?” He moved me from beside him so that now I was straddling him “now you know better then to play around with me princess” he ran his hand over the thin material of my sleep shorts. “Mhmm, it seemed like you liked it. '' I slowly started rocking my hips to get some form of friction. This was short lived. “No, I want you to completely understand and lay beside me” his voice was soft, yet stern. Causing the warm all too familiar feeling to flood my stomach. I quickly did what he told me, throwing my clothes off to some other part of the room, then returning to lay on the bed.

He slowly climbed over me, taking off his shirt and pants leaving him in just his gray boxers “mhmm. I missed you” I mumbled out softly feeling his hands run up my legs stopping just before he got where I wanted him “please…Jake..please” I begged, that’s all it seemed to take, his hands worked perfectly on my skin, and I softly used his index finger to run slow soft circles around my cilt, causing me to let out a soft moan as I grabbed on to his hair. “Jake..please..I need more” I moved slowly against his finger “mhmmm, I want you to ride my face baby” I moaned at his words before sitting up for him to lay on the bed “ you know what to do baby, I don’t want any of that hovering okay?” I nodded my head “words baby” I put both my knees beside his head “I understand '' I softly lowered myself onto him, instantly letting out a loud moan. He continued to eat me out, his tongue touching every part of my heat, by this point I had started rocking my hips to increase the praise from him. Grabbing a handful of his hair, my moans were loud, mixed with the grown every now and then from Jake. “I-I’m close..Jake please don’t stop” he brought one finger to my very wet hole, softly pushing it in and out “come on baby, cum for me” he went back to eating me out, within moments I felt the knot in my stomach unraveling, he didn’t stop, he continued “Jake- please! Ah” I went to speak but he just pushed another finger into me now curling them, I softly shifted down from his face, so that I could lay on his chest as he continued to finger me. “Jake..I’m close again..” I moaned against his neck, “are you? Is my pretty little girl about to cum for me? Go ahead pretty girl” and with his permission and praise my legs shook and I reached my org*sm again. “Mhmm thank you…thank you so much my love” I stuttered out

I gave myself a few moments. I looked up at him “mhmm baby, can I ride something else” I asked with a smile. He looked at me with a curious expression “what do you mean darling?” I giggled as i pulled him up to a sitting position “mhmm I just want to make you feel good” I trailed my hand from his neck making sure to run my fingers over his newly pierced nipples causing him to let a soft shaky breath, I place small kisses on his neck, trailing down his body before stopping and coming back to kiss him. As we kissed I worked on getting his final layer of clothing off, his dick quickly hitting his stomach “ooo” I cooed at him before once more running my fingers down his chest. “You're so handsome, I don’t know how I won in life to be with you” I told him softly getting closer to his dick. I ran my finger down each and every vein, teasing his tip every now and again watching as he threw his head back in pleasure “mhmm baby.. you like that?” I asked in a almost fake innocence “dont tease y/n” I giggle softly “oh so you would rather me do this? Hmm” I take his dick into my hand pumping it quickly “a-y/n..” he softly lifted his head to look at me “mhmm”

I lifted my self so that I could align him with myself, I lowered myself on this him. He pushed his hips to mine, causing a loud moan to fall from my mouth “Jake, that’s..that’s not fair” I could barely get my words out “let..let me make you feel good please” I asked while moaning. He was always focused on my pleasure, never his own. “Mhmm okay, okay my love” he muttered out as he relaxed against the bed. I quickly bottomed out on him, softly gridding. His hands quickly found my hips as I showed him with praise. “You look so hot, you feel so good” I told him as I quicked myself feeling my own orgasam come closer “mhmmm, Jake, baby im close” i started to lift my hips higher and come back down. I soon reached my org*sm, tho I continued to ride him trough it “mhmm, baby, you just came, you, you can stop” he let out soft moans and I just continued.

He soon got close to his own release I could tell by the way his dick twitched inside of me “close, y/n baby..I’m close” i only rocked my hips faster “im on my pill baby” is all i had to say, he let out another soft moan before finishing inside of me.

We laid there for a bit before I softly moved off him “I’ll get a towel to clean” he went to get up but I softly pushed him down “I’ll taking care tonight” his eyes softened as he nodded. I slowly got up to get things for us to clean up with. It wasn’t long before I climbed back into bed to my Boyfriend “Hi darling” I looked at him with a soft smile “hi my love” he instantly pulled me into a hug. “Baby I need to clean you up” he only shook his head “aww, baby are you a bit puss* drunk? Is that what it is” he only nodded into my neck. We laid there talking about all kinds of things once he finally let me clean him up.

“I love you Jake, I love you so much you have no idea how perfect you are, how funny, and smart, and caring you are” I told him softly “you really think that?” He turned to look at me, I looked at him with a face of almost shock “of course i do darling, look at you, you are so pretty, you care about everyone, you are so funny, so sweet, and you can do some pretty crazy things with those fingers” I giggled at the last part. I looked at him, his eyes full of tears “are you crying?!” I asked “maybe just a little bit” he said pulling me by my waist closer to him. I placed a small kiss on his lips “don’t cry my love”

This took so long to write and literally sucks

Thank you for reading


#jake webber x reader#jake webber#jake webber smut#johnnie guilbert#sam and colby#jake x reader#tara yummy#colby brock smut#sam golbach#Jake Webber x reader smut

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johnnie-guilberts-eyeliner · 3 months


Read ur NSFW alphabet for johnnie and was wondering if u could write smth inspired by the dirty secret section? like the reader walking in on him while he's jacking off to pics of her or smth? also idk ur boundaries so I'm sorry if this is overstepping or smth😭<3

pls don't worry anon you're fine 😭

Johnnie Guilbert X fem!Reader SMUT (she/her pronouns used)

Pls lmk how I did! This is my first real fic!

for context you and johnnie have been dating for close to two years now, and you moved in w him and his best friend Jake webber, who is a fellow YouTuber/musician like johnnie. You were going about your day doing your usual house chores when it came time for laundry, you walked into you and Johnnie's shared room without knocking and holding a basket full of yours and his mixed clean clothes. When you opened the door all you could see was johnnie sitting in his gaming chair, phone in hand on your Instagram while the other hand held onto his rather large boner. You immediately dropped the clothes and that's what got his attention. "Oh my gosh baby I am so sorry" johnnie profusely apologizes and dead ass chucks his phone at the bed, which didn't work well for him because it landed face up, showing you exactly what he was looking at. You looked at his phone to see your latest Instagram shoot where you looked extra good in your halter top, miniskirt, fishnets and Platformed boots (you can imagine something else if you'd like) you smiled and looked up at his nervous expression and sauntered over to him. Kneeling in front of him. "aw sweetheart, don't apologize I'll help you" you smiled up at him lovingly before putting your hand on his face and kissing him to which he hungrily kissed back before nodding. You kneeled back down and took his gorgeous co*ck in your hand before licking the tip and easing his length into your mouth and beginning to Bob your head around him. He can't help but whimper and moan as you do so. As you continue to suck him you look up and make eye contact with him as he let's out a rather loud whimper, signaling he was close. You doubled your efforts and pushed on and kept going and eventually increased speed and that's exactly what he needed to finish, you soon feel his hot seed shoot down your throat. You swallow it before he grabs your face and pulls you onto his lap so you're now straddling him in his chair, and he kisses you hungrily. He tugs at your shorts and you get off him for a second to take your shorts and panties off before getting back on his lap and grinding on his length as he kisses you feverishly again. You then take his co*ck in your hand and guide it through your folds, earning a moan from him. You line him up with your hole and sit for a moment to adjust to his size. "Always so tight for me babygirl" johnnie moans out as he holds your face and looks into your eyes. No matter how many times yall had sex, you always needed a second to adjust to his size because he's a bit bigger than average. You both moan out loud as you begin to increase your speed in riding him, as speed increases so does the moaning and groaning. He's got his hands around your waist with a death grip. He then leans up and starts leaving hickies and bites in very visible places, which he knew she loved. You moan out at this and increase speed even more to which he responds by pounding into your wet c*nt with more speed. "Ooooh johnnie baby 'm close 'm close" you can't help but moan out as you hold his face as he continues f*cking you. "cum for me my love" he says as he continues matching your speed and f*cking your c*nt. And that was all you needed to finish. You finished on a very hard leg shaking org*sm. He followed shortly after "where do you want it baby?" He asks on the edge of org*sm. You respond by f*cking down on his co*ck even more, to which he also came very hard shooting his hot cum Inside you. He kisses you after he finishes, co*ck still inside you. He picks you up from the chair and lays you on the bed before going Into your shared bathroom and grabbing a wash rag and coming back in to press it to your sensitive and recovering puss* before discarding it in the hamper and crawling into bed with you, pulling the covers over you both and pulling you close into him "I love you so much y/n" johnnie says in his sleepy voice, to which you respond with "I love you too Johnnie, more than you could ever imagine" you say before kissing him again and falling asleep on his chest.

(also pls don't mind any spelling errors💀)

#johnnie guilbert#johnnie guilbert x reader#johnnie guilbert smut#johnnie guilbert fic#johnnie guilbert x reader smut

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aemrsy · 1 month


Jake Webber x sensitive fem reader🫶🏼


#jake webber x fem reader | Explore Tumblr Posts and Blogs | Tumgik (12)

jake webber x fem reader


omgomg first request hellooo!!

i rlly hope u enjoy this mwah 💋


crying, breakdown


you were always an overly sensitive person you felt everything very deeply sometimes it feels like a blessing but most times it's a curse, you always felt so dumb for having such big emotions.

your boyfriend jake understands your sensitivity more than most people and you'll always be grateful for that. he makes you feel so seen and heard even if you're crying over some spilled milk.

today was a really hard day for you there's been one bad thing after another like dominoes you had just came back home after spending the day out running errands. you come home to an empty house it's dark so you switch the lights on you head to your room sighing and falling onto the bed with a loud sigh your cat crawls up on the bed nestling on the pillow near your head you smile slightly stroking his fur.

with another sigh you get up grabbing your computer you had been putting off editing this new video for your channel but it's long overdue and you need to post soon. you open up your computer heading straight for your editing app but something was wrong your internet wasn't working you let out a frustrated huff and desperately kept trying to refresh the app.

"no no no please no.." you said under your breath on the verge of tears "come on please work please" you had tried everything nothing was working you pushed your computer aside in frustration.

you curled up in a ball knees to your chest and head dug into your knees everything was just horrible today your go to coffee place was closed for renovation so you skipped breakfast and while you were running errands you lost your airpods and you came home hoping for something to go right today but it just wasn't working out for you.

you started crying your mascara staining your cheeks, you picked up your phone feeling a wave of frustration as soon as you see the no wi fi icon in the corner you ignored the frustration and decided to call the only person you know would understand.

you clicked jake's contact and impatiently waited as it rang

"hey y/n you okay?"

he asked because you hardly ever call anyone without texting first to make sure they can call

"where are you?"

he took note of her shaky voice and sniffles over the phone line

"i'm on my way"

he was actually on his way home but he knew something was up and that you needed him


you said in between cries

"yes really baby i'm coming hold on okay?"

you nodded momentarily forgetting he can't see you. you put your phone down not wanting to end the call until he was here.

in the next 15 minutes you heard the doorbell of your apartment ring you hurried to the door wanting nothing but to be in his arms your body pressed against his warmth.

you opened the door looking up at your boyfriend with glossy eyes and pink mascara stained cheeks he immediately engulfed you in a hug you stroking your back

"oh baby.."

you sobbed into his chest all your frustration taking over your head

"i'm sorry it's just all too much today.."

you said shakily he pulled away to look at you

"no hey, never apologize for things like this please.."

after you cried for a while he led you to your room both of you sitting on the white fluffy sheets you sat there wiping the corners of your eyes with your sleeve he had his hand on your hip rubbing it up and down hoping to give you any sense of comfort

"wanna tell me what's been going on?"

he spoke up breaking the silence tucking your hair behind your ear as he spoke

"it's stupid jake.."

you blurted letting out a sad laugh

"hey, nothing that makes you this upset is stupid no matter what it is hon."

you smiled at him he always knew the right things to say you were feeling so grateful and wondering what you did to deserve a boyfriend this understanding you sighed getting ready to tell him everything.

"it's just been a sucky day and i came home and tried to edit that vlog i filmed for the channel a couple days ago and i don't have any internet so it just threw me off the edge you know?"

he gave you his full attention nodding as you spoke

"okay well how about we head to my place for the night i'll bring your computer and you don't have to worry about editing or uploading anything i'll do it all for you does that sound good?"

you smiled your first genuine smile today and you nodded

the rest of the night was so perfect you were screaming songs in the car on the way to his house and when you got there you and johnnie raided the kitchen for snacks while jake took care of your vlog for you.

you were so grateful that jake and johnnie were in your life you'd be so lost without them.

#jake webber x reader#jake webber#jake and johnnie#johnnie guilbert x reader#johnnie and jake#tara yummy#johnnie guilbert

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brcksbf · 1 month


#jake webber x fem reader | Explore Tumblr Posts and Blogs | Tumgik (13)


★ / person ── johnnie guilbert x jake webber

★ / readers ── none specific

★ / warnings ── N/A

★ / plot/idea ── headcannon on being best friends with johnnie and jake

love arden 𖦹 hello demons, It's me ya boi, and welcome back to another post, I wanted to post a johnnie oneshot however it's taking longer to write then I thought and since I haven't posted in a few days I wanted to post so I decided I'd post a small headcannon which I have never done before so please bare with.

#jake webber x fem reader | Explore Tumblr Posts and Blogs | Tumgik (14)

ᯓ★ constantly trying to annoy each other

ᯓ★ stupid inside jokes that aren't funny to anyone other then the three of you

ᯓ★ helping them film and edit their videos

ᯓ★ their fans loving your relationship and supporting the three of you.

ᯓ★ ready to fight for each other

ᯓ★ serious when the timing is right

ᯓ★ always being able to speak to each other about whatever is boring the three of you

ᯓ★ being each other's overprotective bodyguards and not letting anything happen to each other

ᯓ★ always being each other's wingman and being brutally honest with how you feel about the person they want to get to know

ᯓ★ occasionally fighting that never lasts longer then a day

ᯓ★ painting each other's nails whenever you're bored or need a touch up

ᯓ★ knowing how to make each other smile on the roughest of days

ᯓ★ knowing how to spot if something is wrong

ᯓ★ being dumb, chaotic roommates

ᯓ★ barley anytime alone

ᯓ★ helping them write new music and coming up with ideas for music videos

ᯓ★ never being able to stay mad at each

ᯓ★ using each other as fake partners if someone gives any of you any unwanted attention

ᯓ★ you're always ready to punch anyone who hurts them and vice versa

ᯓ★ always backing each other up if any of you get into physical fights

ᯓ★ listening to music in each other's room doing nothing, but just enjoying being around each other

ᯓ★ using each other to cuddle if the days been rough or if any of you are feeling down.

ᯓ★ getting annoyed when people assume one of you are dating the other.

ᯓ★ movies nights every night

ᯓ★ driving each other around everywhere whenever one of you are too lazy to drive

ᯓ★ late night drives blasting music as loud as it'll go

ᯓ★ supporting each other's dreams and doing whatever you can to make it happen

ᯓ★ being friends with each other's friends

ᯓ★ you would accidentally became their sort of manager, lyrist and producer since you wrote and made most of their songs and videos

ᯓ★ frequently doing ghost videos with sam and colby since it's one of your main interests.

ᯓ★ helping colby write and produce the music video for skin

ᯓ★ always saying I love you to each other and reminding each other how much you care about each other.

#jake webber x fem reader | Explore Tumblr Posts and Blogs | Tumgik (15)

with love, from arden ── thank you for checking out another post of mine, please give it some love! thank you for all the love you've given me so far upon my jake oneshot and on my account, it means a lot. as always I mean no disrespect to jake or johnnie.

#jake webber#jake and johnnie#jake webber fluff#jake webber x female reader#jake webber x you#johnnie guilbert#johnnie guilbert x reader#johnnie and jake#brcksbf#johnnie guilbert x you#jake webber x reader#jake webber x y/n#johnnie guilbert x fem reader#johnnie guilbert fluff#johnnie guilbert headcannons#jake webber headcannons#colby brock x reader#colby x reader#snc#sam golbach

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anticipatecrime · 8 months


𝙣𝙤𝙣 𝙗𝙚𝙡𝙞𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧 | jake webber x ghost fem reader

#jake webber x fem reader | Explore Tumblr Posts and Blogs | Tumgik (16)

summary: jake, and the rest of the boys go to the biltmore hotel for a video on sam and colbys channel, what happens when they encounter a ghost, you, and he doesn't believe in it? you get irritated and start to mess with the boy a/n: warning for description of a murder, angsty+ i love the concept of the whole platonic ghost stuff i think its really cutewords: 4.2k

the boys walked down the miserable hallway of the biltmore hotel, no color or sense of life near. sam squinted, pointing to a small plaque that reads, 'presidential suite'. colby followed behind with the camera, filming as they joked and made references.

as they arrived at the white door, the blonde opening it, everyone was in awe. the modernness mixed with the older architecture caught them off guard. peering in, they became speechless at the size of the room. "oh my god." he said, turning on the slight switch.

"what the hell this looks like our house." jake comments, taking in the white marble floor, and grand doorway.

"oh my god, there's- oh my god." corey mumbled, never having seen something so special.

"there's a library!" sam gestured to it, before they discovered it was a second story hotel room. they stepped down the spiral staircase, into the darkness of the lower floor.

jakes hands slid down the railing, it ominously chilling. he quickly realized how heavy the air was. he slowly shuffled into the shadow, noticing the muted colors of the wallpaper.

in a matter of seconds, a shiver ran down his spine, and his heart began to race. he felt a strange wetness on his forehead. touching it, he realized it was a trickle of sweat.

how was he sweating in this moment? jake was freezing, goosebumps beginning to form on his arms, it didn't piece together. he didn't like whatever he was feeling, and stepped back next to corey.

colby called out from on the bottom step of the stairs, confused why everyone was just standing rather than finding a light.

he shook his head. "colby, come down here, go into that room with the light off." him and corey encouraged.

"i literally got scared when i went into it." jake admitted, usually never being effected by the paranormal this intensely.

colby sighed, before walking towards the next room. he closed his eyes for a second, immediately feeling what the other had, and he retreated back to the group, frightened. "i just got chills, man." he mumbled.

"no seriously, this downstairs is weird" sam stated, touching the walls as he tried to locate the switch, before giving up and using lanterns.

they began to explore the large area, feeling a change in the atmosphere. colby observed a door he hadn't spotted before. he called over his friends, before creaking open the door softly.

sam realized that the room was on both of the most haunted floors, making it a point to the camera.

as the boys investigated the room, either messing with the antique elevator, or opening closets and cracking jokes, you stirred.

hearing a boisterous laugh, your mind became conscious, tuning into the howls from below. feeling slightly disoriented from being forcibly awoken, you were irritated to say the least.

not only did these people intrude into your hotel room, they had the nerve to be deafening.

you closed your metaphorical eyes, you imagined yourself elsewhere, wishing out of all places your spirit was attached to it wasn't this one.

the laughs stopped, and you propped an eye open, confused. then you heard the same voices, but in a much more professional tone. they sounded like poor actors. if they were actors in your day, they would not succeed.

their serious voices sounded immature, they weren't even using the correct grammar, infact things they said didn't sound like words.

typically, when people stayed in the presidential suite, you tried to keep distance, not wanting to intimidate them, however these people had you drawn in.

soon enough, it was completely silent and you heard the door shut to the hotel. they had left, most likely to explore. as they were talking to something, it almost sounding like an audience, you overheard them and assumed they were ghost hunters of some sort.

perhaps you should follow, you thought to yourself.

over the years of being attached to the biltmore hotel, many paranormal investigators have come and gone, and most times they call out for you. feeling the need to impress and give these peoples lives meaning, you'll normally mess with their devices or move things around the room.

you've met some determined and cool individuals, and only wished you could leave like them, the thing you despised most was being stuck here.

the closest thing to leaving, was trailing behind guests and pretending you could be apart of their life. so you did was you generally do and follow along.

finally coming close to them, you saw their faces. you predicted they were all the same age, maybe a year or so apart at the most, probably in their very early twenties, and that they had been friends for some time.

you could see the faded yellow aura that hung around them, indicating they had a close friend relationship. looking even closer you saw purple floating with them too, a sign that they were fearful of what's to come.

one thing about them you couldn't understand. a blonde boy was holding onto a piece of equipment, you assumed a camera, but the odd thing about it was how they all looked into it and made conversation, as if there was a bunch of small people inside.

you weren't born dead yesterday, you understood that there was now something labeled as the internet, and that there was social media, however you couldn't acknowledge all of it, your mind not capable. so you moved on, and just tried to learn about the camera on the way.

the group had eventually gotten around, looking into tunnels and secret spaces around the area, and figured they should take a break to eat and relax.

once they all sat on the couches that were organized infront of the television, the camera was put away and they began chatting about their experiences around the hotel so far.

three of the guys were discussing how they felt a negative vibe, and that they were slightly frightened and creeped out already and the night had just begun.

you took note of how one of them was less enthusiastic, and scrolling on his smartphone. just by observing him, and watching his movements, it was clear he was a non believer, or atleast a stubborn skeptic. "i think you guys are overthinking it." he stated, putting down the phone.

"jake, are you going to tell me this place doesn't scare you?" sam questioned, pulling out the camera to record his thoughts.

"it doesn't. i mean think about it, tons of presidents and celebrities have stayed here, they think it's luxury. why would they stay here if it was haunted?" you thought about his logic and agreed with it, you would probably think the same as him.

"so you don't believe the hotel is haunted at all?" colby leaned in, eager to hear.

jake glanced around the room before answering a very simple, "i don't."

you furrowed your eyebrows, glaring at the boy infront of you. you stood, feet hovering above the carpeted ground. to say you were offended was an understatement.

it had been a long while since someone denied not just your existence, but all of the spirits that reside here, and honestly it had your old blood boiling. it felt like a competition to you, something that had to be proven.

you floated around the room, merging down to the lower floor to mess with something. eyes glancing, they finally landed onto the rustic old elevator that had previously given them chills.

focusing on the door, you used your energy to open it, and to rattle the guard on it. a misconception that has been passed around that you hated, was how ghosts physically touch and throw things.

it was a lot more difficult than that. you had to focus, and think about it occurring, which cost you a lot of your energy, energy that you only got back from resting.

"guys, guys, holy f*ck." sam turns on the camera out of fear after hearing an eerie noise that broke the calm ambiance. they exchanged frightened but curious glances, wondering what the sound could have been.

"did you f*cking hear that?" colby asked frantically, looking around the room. you enjoy the panic on their faces as they start going downstairs, so you move the fencing again.

the noise persisted, and crude waves of unease gradually wash over them, sam running down the stairs, his face fraught with urgency. as he got to the bottom, he froze in his tracks, eyes widening with trepidation. "oh god."

corey gasped. "the doors open!" he pointed across the hallway, directly where you stood.

you held your breath and scooted away as jake took your spot next to the elevator. it had been awhile since you were that close to someone, you never liking the feeling of them passing by or through you.

"wasn't it closed?" corey exclaimed, keeping his distance.

"we would've closed it right?" sam said, everyone mutually agreeing but still indistinct. he walked over to the spot, and started rocking the guard back and forth, making the exact unwavering sound you did.

you hovered near jake, and tried to touch into his emotions. he paused for a moment, chills running down his limbs. suddenly, a very unsettling feeling hits him, and all the hair on his body stands up.

it was a similar feeling to what he felt earlier, but more personal. the fear he felt was heavy, and the air quickly became thick like before. he coughed slightly, almost like someones hand floated around his throat.

he coughed again, this time everyone taking notice. they were very panicked by this situation, and distracted. "you okay, brother?" colby asked, putting a hand on the other's shoulder. he responded while nodding.

in reality he wasn't. he felt like someone was watching him, goosebumps began spreading around his skin and he kept shivering regardless of his sweater.

you watched as chaos ensued, the boys going through all of the rooms on the lower floor, looking for something that could tell them where the noises had come from.

they had stopped to converse, realizing how extreme they were being, and before they could even say a word, you were meddling around upstairs, touching a few keys on the grand piano.

you heard them panic once more, even jake confessing his fear. you sighed of relief, it was just what you wanted. you took a seat on the couch the boy had been laying on before this all happened, and leaned back, kicking your legs up.

watching them discuss what they thought the second noise was, the skeptical boy knew it was a piano, he felt it, and you were proud of him, clapping to yourself.

continuing to mess with them slightly, you found it entertaining for awhile, until it got sad to you. you never want people to fear you, you always identified as friendly to people who stayed in the room, and you knew you were just messing with them to prove jake wrong but they didn't know that.

so when you heard they were doing a seance, you beamed, because then you could hopefully let them know it was just for fun, and that you were harmless.

you were buzzing with excitement as you drifted down the hall, into the direction of the dining room. it had been a long time since you last had contact with people. the suite left unbooked for a few months, you wondered how expensive it was to rent now.

as the four boys set up their camera equipment and seance supplies, your translucent figure flickered with jolts of energy, and you waited in anticipation for it to begin.

you watched as they turned off the lights, and lit candles in between them. they flickered, providing mere glimpses of desolate space. shadows danced ominously along the walls, distorting objects into strange shapes that seemed to taunt their senses.

"we promised in our last video we were going to do a seance." sam spoke dully. "and.. we're going to do a seance."

"do we want to do this seance? not really." colby shrugged at the situation, looking at the lit candles.

they huddled against the table, and whispered words of encouragement to each other as sam attempted to google ways to begin such a powerful ritual.

jake glanced at them before wondering. "how do we as humans, decide how to correctly summon something?" he asked, not understanding.

"we don't." the other responded, still scrolling on his phone.

"i don't think anyone truly knows, so as long as we ya'know have the feeling of believing in something, trying to communicate with something no matter what. if something wants to talk to us they will.: he explains, making you smile.

as much as a skeptical he seems to be, everything he's telling the others is correct. as they discussed more, you listened, so curious in what people think about ghosts.

you could only briefly remember what you thought about them before passing, but as time goes on, your memories of being alive fade away, leaving you with gaps of confusion.

wanting to get a better view, you perched yourself on top of the chandelier, accidentally swaying it slightly. you cursed when corey noticed, this time not trying to mess with them.

they extended their hands. "if there's someone here, please use our energy to communicate with us." they spoke together, corey still noticing the light shaking. he pointed up at it, and called your actions out.

you started feeling anxious, and floated away from it, going to stand near jake and colby. within seconds, the latter raised his arm to show his goosebumps to the others.

both feeling the cold breeze, and the candles flickering slighty, the boys looked to eachother before brushing it off, and continuing with the seance. they all closed their eyes, squeezing them shut as they focused intently. "if you are here, use our energy to make a second or sign." they spoke together.

as the group sat at the table in a circle, hands intertwined, the air grew still. you hovered around the table, across from jake. you were watching him carefully. his eyes began to open, and they widened.

a chill rushed down his spine, struck with horror. he saw a translucent form, face contorted with a large grin. you looked at him questioningly, wondering why he was looking in your direction, before taking a peek behind you out of curiosity.

after seeing nothing, you realized he was looking directly into your eyes. "holy f*ck." he muttered, gaining his friends attention. "holy-holy f*ck." he stood up, his legs pushing his chair back. he pointed to you, and you felt an aching feeling.

"what, what is it jake?" sam asked, looking around. the pain overtook your body, making you scatter away out of sight. jake blinked frantically, and you were no longer there.

"did you guys not see that?" his heart was beating fast, and his body trembling, knees threatening to give out. a soft tear even left his eye.

"see what? oh my god are you okay?" colby inquired, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"i-i." the boy couldn't even speak, in terror. what was worst is that he couldn't tell if his mind had played tricks with him, or if what he saw was true. "i saw.. i saw someone, something."

"what?" corey exclaimed, backing away from where he was sitting.

"it was a weird shadow figure, she had long dark hair, i- i don't know what just happened. i swear i was looking at her, and then it was like she saw that i saw her, and she disappeared."

when he had looked into your eyes, he felt such an odd connection to you, even with his frightened appearance, inside he felt drawn.

"are you a medium or something?" sam asked, trying to joke a bit. he knew his friend was a skeptic, so him coming out and saying something like this was out of the ordinary.

whatever had happened, had corey scared, so scared that he quit the seance, and decided to sit a chair away, no longer holding hands and chanting. "should we keep going?" colby asked, jake nodding desperately.

taking a few minutes to calm down, they restarted. and since corey had finished being apart of the activity, they figured they might as well use the oujia board for content purposes.

you began to cry in the other room, curling your body into a ball. you couldn't believe what had just happened. for the first time ever, in 20 years, something impossible occurred. someone had seen you.

never wanting to be the source of fear and panic, this had broken you. they thought you were a malevolent spirit, that you were scary. suddenly, you felt yourself being pulled back to the dining room, almost like someone was dragging you.

you tried to fight it until it was physically taking you away. once you entered, it was obvious the boy could no longer see you. he looked across the room, seeing nothing.

feeling another jolt, you take notice at the oujia board and planchette, and realized why you were being attracted to it. they were calling out for you again, trying to speak with you.

"if there is a spirit here, can you please use this oujia board to communicate with us." colby spoke, looking at everyone fingers on the planchette.

you begin to push it to yes, and observe as their eyes widen. "is this who i saw a second ago?" jake wondered aloud. you sighed, pushing it to yes before spelling out 'sorry'.

they faced eachother. "what does that mean?" sam asked to them, before gazing around the area. "what are you sorry for?"

using energy to move it, you spelt out the word scared, hoping they would understand. the boys discussed this, finally agreeing that you were apologizing for scaring them. "are you sorry for scaring me? for showing yourself?"

"yes." you mumbled aloud, and he heard it. he jumped up, trying to spot where you were, giving up when he couldn't see you.

"i heard you!" jake commented. "can you show yourself to me again?" you talked to him through the board. spelling 'don't know.'

"you don't know how? is that why you were shocked when you realized he saw you?" colby questioned, earning a yes from the board.

"what's your name?" jake asked.

"y/n." you tried to say strongly, only coming out as a soft whisper.

"y/n." he repeated, nodding to his friends. "your name is y/n." he paused, taking a deep breath, before feeling you stand by him. "a-are you near me right now?"

you whispered into his ear, brushing it gently. "yes." he gasped, moving back.

"she's right beside me." he told them, before revealing his goosebumps.

"are you friendly?" corey asked, from outside the seance. the planchette moved to yes, you running out of energy.

"i mean atleast that's good." sam muttered.

jake felt an odd feeling, attracted to your spirit. he felt connected to you, to your energy. he breathed shakily, before opening his eyes again, seeing you next to him. he tried to stay calm, and smiled towards you.

you giggled, smiling back, and giving a gentle wave, making him do the same. you held your hand up, and he understood. both of you tried to touch hands, like a high five.

you both gasped, you moving back at what had just happened. his hand didn't go through yours, it touched it. you felt how human and alive his skin was, you could feel his pulse from it, and he had felt a cold, hard feeling. "oh my god." he spoke. "guys, i'm touching her.. her hand is cold."

corey took a step back holding his hands up. "what the f*ck is going on?!" he shouted, making you flinch. "jake, i swear to god if you're f*cking with us for a prank, i'm leaving." he threatened, seriously scared.

"i-i i'm not, i don't know how this is happening." he replied. "can you do this with them?"

you shook your head, not understanding how you made this happen. "then can you show them a sign? a sign that you're real?" you nodded hesitantly. "okay.. hmm." he looked around the hotel. "can you knock on the door right there?"

hovering, you traveled to the door, and tapped on it aggressively, earning shocked faces from the group. "i can't believe this is happening." sam stated to the camera, before seeing that it was off. "what the hell?" he took a closer look, and groaned, throwing his hand out. "the f*cking camera turned off."

"how long ago?" colby wondered, earning a shrug. "f*ck." he muttered, knowing that a lot of good content could've been gone.

as sam tried to fix it, everyone else was focused on the oujia board, as it took less energy. "how old are you?" corey asked. it spelled out 19.

"i didn't realize you were that young." jake spoke. "what happened to you?"

having to think about your death was the most painful thing for you. it was the only memory from when you were alive that you could remember every detail to, so prominent in your mind.

almost there decades ago, 1986, you were set to be married to an american man, and you were waiting for him to return in the presidential suite.

it was a stormy evening, the wind howling outside of the biltmore, one of the most prestigious hotels. as rain beat against the windows, the sound of the raindrops hitting the panes was almost deafening and you had been feeling anxious, almost as if there was a foreboding presence looming over you.

you shivered, feeling cold and uneasy, wrapping a blanket over your body as you sipped from your mug.

an unexpected sense of dread washed over you and before you could comprehend what was happening, a shadow like figure lunged at you from the darkness, catching you off guard.

the mug slipped out of your trembling hands, crashing onto the marble floor into pieces. fear consumed you, as you desperately fought back, adrenaline surging through your veins.

you screamed, calling out for help. your hopeless pleas for mercy echoed against the dull walls before falling on deaf ears. in the chaos of the struggle, you fell into a table, trying to escape from them.

quickly, the masked assailant unleashed a relentless barrage of fueled strikes, their anger mingling with the terror that gripped your soul.

time lost all meaning as each thrust of the blade hit your chest, crimson streaks tainted the white floor, becoming a silent witness. and in your final moments alive, choking and spitting up blood, your twitching arm reached up and swatted at the person.

you heard a deformed laugh, before your world subsided into darkness, your spirit fading into the ethereal realm, and that's all you remember before you woke up disoriented, and realized you had died.

tears welled in your eyes, as you sobbed, face red and swollen. jake saw your pained expression, and in seconds your memories entered his mind, leaving him the same irregular breathing and gasps.

he tried explaining to his friends what you had gone through, them still hesitant to believe in this crazy experience. "i'm so sorry." he cried out to you.

he couldn't believe how you died, and how he just got your memories, or how he could see and hear you. he felt insane.

"guys this is serious, i don't know what to do anymore." sam said, looking at the boy. "we should end this."

"brother do you understand how crazy this is? you need to.. you need to get help, or see a medium or something." corey shrugged, shaking his head.

"i agree with sam we should end whatever this is, it's taking a toll on you jake."

"guys i can't just leave her now, i have to keep talking to her. if you want you can go watch tv or something but this is important to me now. i promise you guys i'm fine, i just.. i have.. i have to do this." he begged.

"jake.." sam trailed off. "okay. as long as you promise you're okay, like don't get obsessed with this. don't be too much longer, it's already almost 5 in the morning."

"i promise." jake nodded, watching as they left the room, corey not understanding why he would do something like this.

you two looked at eachother, before trying to catch your breath. "what is it like being a ghost?" he asked, attempting to improve the mood.

"sad." you whispered, lips chapped. "stuck."

"you're stuck here?" he repeated, earning a nod. "how do you get out?" you shrugged at him. he sighed, apologizing.

you sat together in deep silence. many would think it was awkward or uncomfortable but it was calm and peaceful. the fact someone could see and know you for the first time since you died, made you feel happy, like you had a friend.

he continued to talk to you and keep you company for awhile, feeling guilty that he had to leave in a few hours. you understood he did, knowing it wouldn't last forever but that didn't mean it didn't hurt.

"i'm sorry you're stuck here. i hope you find your way out or to the real afterlife so you can leave this boring place." he comforted you.

"it's okay." you smiled. finally being able to share your story was enough. you felt your body becoming numb from being so giddy. "visit."

"i'll visit you again, don't worry." he hums. "i feel like we're connected, like you'll always be attached to me." making you nod.

the two of you shared an oddly comforting hug, before he had to leave. you followed their group to the hotel lobby, and unlike most times when you went down there, there wasn't a pull.

so when you continued to follow them and you weren't stuck in place, the happiness came back, and you started to cry once more. you watched them drive away, feeling in debt to jake for how much relief he gave you.

you've gained your freedom after 30 years of being stuck in the hotel you were brutally murdered in. "thank you jake." you murmured, before floating away, the happiest you've ever been.

#jake webber#sam and colby#jake webber x reader#jake webber x ghost reader#jake webber x ghost#colby brock#colbybrock#sam golbach#corey scherer#trap house#biltmore hotel#anticipatecrime#jakewebber#colby brock x reader

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hearts4golbach · 3 months


Busy. (Jake Webber x Fem!Reader.)

warning: smut


"jake?" I called from the living room. he was in the kitchen making food. "can we go out tonight? we haven't been on a date in like 2 months. I miss you."

"uh, I can't tonight, babe." he explained, "me and johnnie are working."

"yeah, that's all you've been f*cking doing." I mutter under my breath.

"what?" Jake says a little louder.

"nothing." I said with an annoyed tone.

he walks into the room and wraps his arms around me, kissing my cheek. "tell me what's bothering you."

I pushed his arms off and stood up. "you don't have time for me anymore and it's honestly annoying as f*ck." I knew I should be considerate because he's working, but I also had a right to be mad.

i walked away before he could answer, shutting the bathroom door to take a shower.

10 minutes later, jake knocked on the door. "I'm going to head out, can I come in?"

"okay." I mumbled.

he walked in and I peaked out of the curtain. "yeah?"

he placed a kiss on my lips. "I'll be home later."

I frowned. "I'm sure you will."

he texted johnnie, saying he was on his way before exiting the bathroom.


I sat on the couch for 3 hours watching 'Sonic Underground' because that show is fire as f*ck and always made me feel better.

my limbs were spread out all over the couch as I drank diet co*ke. I was giggling at the show whenever I heard the front door open.

"honey, I'm home!" Jake called jokingly. he was more chipper than he was earlier.

"I'm in the living room." I answered, not bothering to match his energy.

he walked in, carrying food in one hand and flowers in the other.

"oh, cute. did johnnie get you flowers?" I teased.

he rolled his eyes and handed them to me. "they're for you."

"thank you, baby." I gave him a sad smile.

"whatcha watching?"

"sonic." he handed me one box. it was my favorite take out. "awe, jake."

"this is our late little date. I promise, I'll take you out soon." he smiled and began to dig into his own food.

I was still quite angry at him, though. he sensed that.

"if there's anything I can do to make it up to you, I will." he offered.

I felt my cheeks heat up. "I don't think I should say the first thing that came to mind."

jake smirked before pulling me in for a kiss. I think he got the hint. he kissed me deeply, moving his hands up to cup my face.

"I'm sorry I've been such a dick lately, I've been so caught up with work and johnnie."

"it's okay, you can make it up to me now."

he pulled me into his lap. "I intend to." he groaned softly as I grinded my hips against him.

"I want you, jake." I pleaded, holding back a moan from the friction.

"then take me."

I began to take off his shirt and pants, planning to f*ck him right here on the couch.

he took of my clothes as well, tossing them somewhere in the living room. we were both left in our underwear.

"you're already so hard." I whispered in his ear.

"you have that effect on me." he began to kiss my neck, trailing down to my covered chest. his hands snaked around my back, unclipping my bra.

he cupped my tit with one hand while the other was on my hip, grinding me down onto him. "f*ck, jake." I moaned softly.

"you're so perfect." he said, smashing his lips onto mine.

he quickly pulled off my underwear, leaving me naked on top of him. I palmed his length through his boxers, feeling his co*ck twitch under my touch.

"f*ck-" he whimpered, pulling down his boxers. his dick sprang up. "are you okay with this?" Jake breathed out, his eyes trailing up my body.

I nodded eagerly. he grabbed my hips and positioned himself at my entrance. I slowly took his length, making him let out a needy moan.

"shh." I placed a gentle kiss on his lips. "these walls are thin, the neighbors will hear."

"I don't care." he pants, beginning to thrust in and out at a slow pace. he looked at me with desire and need in his eyes. "you feel so f*cking good."

"you're so good, jake." I placed my hands on his chest. I wasn't a very verbal person while we f*cked, but I wanted to change that.

"oh, f*ck." Jake gasped, throwing his head back as I picked up the pace.

he looked back at me, watching as I bounced on his hard length. "oh my-" I moaned. "faster, jake."

without hesitation, he sped up the pace. his hips met mine with a primal rhythm. the sound of it filled the room. he groaned into my neck, going at it harder.

"just like that." I breathed, placing my hands on his shoulders for more stability.

"you're so f*cking tight." he grunted, digging his fingers into my hips as he pushed deeper. "I'm so close."

he continuously hit my g spot, making me lose control. I moaned incoherent swears as his co*ck throbbed inside of me. "you're driving me crazy." I managed to utter.

"I know." he said with a smirk. he gripped my hair, pulling my head back as he began to leave dark hickeys on my neck.

"sh*t," I breathed. "I'm close."

"cum with me, babe." he grabbed my ass.

my body tensed with his final thrust, pushing deep inside as he shot his seed. he cried out in pleasure, kissing me lazily.

"how could I ever be mad at you." i say, trying to catch my breath.

#jake and johnnie#jake webber#johnnie guilbert#smut#romance#i have no idea what to put for hashtags

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ctrlchar · 3 months


could you write a little jake x fem reader enemies to lovers

Jake webber enemies to lovers head cannons

a/n:tyty for the request, jake’s kinda a dick for a little bit of this so bare with me guys and requests are always open 🙏

it would probably start with you being Johnnie’s friend and the three of you making videos together

you guys had all been sitting together in the recording room and it was the first video you and jake had made together so obviously you weren’t that close

hell this was only the second or third time you had met

you had been giving Johnnie more attention which made Jake jealous but he wouldn’t ever admit that

atleast not to you

then it got to the point where he had been a bit rude to you

he would never say anything about you or to you in attempt to hurt you however, actions definitely speak much louder then words

for example when the three of you would go out Jake would pay for Johnnie’s food (since Jake would be the one driving) but wouldn’t pay for yours

or whenever you would make a video on your channel (assuming you had one) Jake wouldn’t help pay for what ever it was you guys would react to since it wasn’t his video therefore,not his problem

his defense would be something along the lines of him not knowing you well

you’d try your best to ignore his behavior as well as the way you would get butterflies in your stomach whenever you would catch him staring at you for a little too long

one night the three of you decided to go out to a party together

Jake’s wearing some jeans and a shirt that shows off his star tattoos when his arms are raised which you knew would drive you crazy throughout the night had you three stuck together

the car ride there was hell

you knew you couldn’t hate him as much as you wanted to,especially not whenever he looked so good

his hands gripping the wheel with each vein becoming more prominent as he holds onto the leather cover of the wheel

occasionally you would take a couple of glances up at him just for your eyes to meet whenever you would look up at his rear view mirror

the ride there was a bit awkward since you sat in the back of the car scrolling on your phone while Jake and Johnnie conversed

each time Johnnie would invite you into whatever it was they were talking about Jake quickly shut down the conversation

because Jake didn’t want to have any feelings towards you,scared that liking his best friends best friend wouldn’t end up well

and in his mind if he just ignored you he assumed the feelings he had would disappear because that definitely makes sense

once you had all arrived at the party you and Johnnie stuck together while Jake goes and socializes with some of his friends

the real reason he left though was because he couldn’t stand the way you and Johnnie were so close

he really couldn’t stand the way it was so easy for you to talk to him,how you look so pretty when you subconsciously play with you hair or fingers while you would talk

you grab yourself a drink before you finally decide ask Johnnie a question

“why does jake hate me? I mean he may not hate me but he never interacts with me,hardly talks to me and he’s been like this since we met and when we do talk he’s always such a dick about it” you question with a slight frown

surely his best friend would have an answer

Johnnie debates on what he should tell you but he just shrugs and says “i wouldn’t say he hates you per say” to which raises your suspicions

“what’s that supposed to mean?” you ask since you didn’t know if what Johnnie said was or wasn’t what you wanted to hear

he simply shrugs his shoulders again “do with that information as you will” he jokes because he does know why,he knows Jake likes you,he knows Jake’s jealous of you guys’ friendship, he knows how attractive you are in jake’s eyes but what kind of friend would he be to just rat his friend out like that?

he noticed your expression change after the conversation to which he says “if youre really that concerned about it just go ask him” however this is much easier said then done

or so you thought

“i’ll think about it” you say before telling him you’ll be back so you can go to the bathroom

you search the house looking for the bathroom until you clichely run into Jake on the way

he looks you up and down admiring your outfit as if it’s the first time you’ve seen him all night

“where’s Johnnie at?” he starts “i figured you guys would be together the whole night” he says with a hint of irritation in his voice. “last I saw him was by the kitchen,what’s it to you? you’re not jealous or anything huh?” you joke not thinking anything of it

jake defensively,almost too defensively, says “why would I, Jake webber be jealous of you and my friend hanging out?” co*cking a brow in the process. you take a minute to think, remembering the conversation you had a couple minutes ago “you tell me,you’re the one who’s hated me since the f*cking second i met you” you spit,your tone suddenly changing with Jake who was clearly not expecting to have this conversation with you tonight and especially not in a place like this. “i don’t hate you” he mutters under his breath barely audible over the music, his confidence diminishing slightly as he realizes he might as well tell you how he actually feels

“right…” you say questioning what it was that he was saying until he cut you off “i don’t hate you at all,I guess I was just jealous of you and Johnnie because of how close you are. I really like you, and-and I knew I would since the second Johnnie told me about you I like how you present yourself,I like how you act,how you dress and you-“

you step up on your tip toes and wrap your arms around his neck before pulling him into a endearing kiss not caring about the place you were in

after a couple more moments you pull back and with a laugh you say “I guess you could say I don’t hate you that much either”

he smiles softly at this before resting his hands along the sides of your face and mumbling a quick apology for the way he had treated you over the last month or so.

he promises that from now on he’ll treat you impossibly well before kissing you once more

#smut#johnnie guilbert headcannons#johnnie guilbert#johnnie guilbert smut#jake webber#jake webber smut#jake webber headcannons#jake webber imagine#jake webber drabble#jake webber fluff#jake webber x reader

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ghxstyfae · 2 months


Please send Jake, Johnnie, and Tara Headcanon/drabble requests!!! Im desperate!!!!

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#fanfiction#johnnie guilbert#jake webber#jake and johnnie#tara yummy#tara yummy x fem#tara yummy x reader#jake johnnie and tara#headcanons#requests

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corrodedcoffins-blog · 1 month


Valentine's Reunite


note: i wrote this in a couple hours just cause i had inspiration and also its my first johnnie fic, so please be nice 🥲 also i used the video tara turned johnnie into her for a couple (most) of the jokes and i don't want people to think i ship those two so i'm saying it now i don't.

warnings: none <3

word count: 1.2 k

♡ summary: After reconnecting after a few years, Y/n and Johnnie tell their fans they're friends again by a Valentine's video. With old feeling resurfacing the two have some tension that doesn't go unnoticed by said fans.

♡ Johnnie Guilbert x fem!reader

request ✓

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It had been quite a few years since Johnnie and Y/n had talked, let alone made videos together. But around Johnnie’s birthday Y/n reached out, and though she always said she would never be one of those people to send a birthday message after not talking, she became one of those people.

When they did finally reunite, it was almost like no time had passed at all, the only thing that changed was that the two dressed better now, and that they were both single. Not that Y/n was thinking about that. Because she didn’t have a crush on Johnnie..

When they did finally reunite, it was almost like no time had passed at all, the only thing that changed was that the two dressed better now, and that they were both single. Not that Y/n was thinking about that. Because she didn’t have a crush on Johnnie..

When they did finally reunite, it was almost like no time had passed at all, the only thing that changed was that the two dressed better now, and that they were both single. Not that Y/n was thinking about that. Because she didn’t have a crush on Johnnie..

After repairing their friendship, strengthening it, Johnnie proposed the idea of filming together again. Knowing their fans would love the reunion, the two shared basically the same audience. And with Valentine’s coming up the two were going to celebrate their ‘platonic’ love for eachother.


The two were now sitting on the floor of Y/n’s filming room, Johnnie speaking to the camera, “Today, me and my old friend, Y/n-” “I am not old.” “Well..” Johnnie said, looking into the camera lens tilting his head and shrugging his shoulder giving an ‘I don’t know about that’ look, while Y/n looked at the boy, her jaw dropped, before she hit him with her sweater paw.

“Not ten seconds into the goddamn video and you’re abusing me.” Johnnie said, putting his hands on his hips, while speaking in one of his many voices.

“I’m taking over.” Y/n interjects, “Me and Johnnie are friends again-” The girl says, getting straight to the point, causing Johnnie lean over laughing while she continues, “-And since Valentine’s Day is about love, me and johnnie are celebrating our friendship and platonic love for eachother by doing a Valentine’s Day makeup look on Johnnie. And it’s definitely not because Jake couldn’t film with Johnnie today and I was his second choice.” “That’s not-” “It is.” “Noo, he’s just the more convenient option.” “That’s not much better.” “It’s a little better.”


“First I need to pin your hair back.” The girl mumbles, rifling through her makeup bag for her clips. Finding them she puts one in her mouth while using the other to clip back Johnnie’s hair. Looking around on the ground, Y/n looks for the hair clip that is still in her mouth.

Her actions cause Johnnie to laugh, the girl furrowing her eyebrows, before Johnnie reaches up to grab the missing clip from her mouth.

“There is no way you just did that.” “Leave me alone.” “You have the attention span of a five-year-old.” “As if you don’t also.”

With Johnnie’s hair now fully out of his face, he forehead is on full display. “My forehead is a little dummy thick, I’m not gonna lie.” “Yea, you got that Brendon Urie forehead.” They say while Y/n starts rubbing primer on the boy’s face, up onto Johnnie’s aforementioned forehead. “I don’t think I’ve ever touched your forehead, and I’ve barely ever seen it.” “I don’t think any has touched my forehead.” “Not even yourself?” “No.”

Taking a spooly Y/n brushes out Johnnie’s eyebrows before asking, already knowing the answer, “Can I pluck your brows?” “Absolutely not.”


“Ow...Ow...OW! That one really hurt!” “That’s fine ‘cause I’m done.” “Oh I’m so glad you got to torture me as long as you planned for.”


“Look at me.” Johnnie redirects his face to look at Y/n, his eyes wide, staring into her eyes, “You have beautiful eyes.” Not knowing how to accept a compliment from the girl, Johnnie looks anywhere but her.

“I said for you to look at me.” She says laughing, and for the camera Johnnie looks back at her his eyes just as wide as the first time. His eye contact now longer than before, causes Y/n to blush looking away laughing. Not wanting the fans to see it, or Johnnie for that matter, she plays it off as a joke saying, “I’m kinda scared.” “That’s my f*cking face.”


“You have like hooded eyes, which makes this hard.” Y/n mutters while applying eyeshadow onto the crease of Johnnie’s eye, only for it to disappear when he opens his eyes again, “Sorry they’re the only ones I have.”


While doing the eyeshadow, Y/n starting to move closer to Johnnie, inch by inch. Neither really noticing it, and definitely not noticing when Johnnie placed his hand on Y/n’s leg, just above her knee.

But with Johnnie’s makeup almost done, now having a heart themed pink look going on. Y/n grabs the eyeliner saying, “Now for the hard part.” “I feel like we’ve already done the hard parts.” “Sorry guys, Johnnie gets cranky ‘cause he doesn’t eat real food.” “I do-” “Kraft dinner doesn’t count.” “..Well then.” Sighing, Y/n now addresses the camera, “Now for the hard part.”

Resting her hand on Johnnie’s cheek, Y/n tries to get a good angle to do Johnnie’s eyeliner. Not getting it from how she’s sitting, the girl readjusts her position, shifting closer to Johnnie. Which causes Johnnie’s hand to lift to now rest on her waist, noticing his mistake, the boy quickly moves his hand to sit on the ground beside himself.


Johnnie filmed his outro, Y/n got him her makeup wipes letting him do that while she turns off the camera. Turning back and seeing Johnnie rubbing his face way too roughly. “Johnnie, you’re being too rough, let me do it.”

Sitting back in her spot, Y/n grabs the makeup wipe from Johnnie’s hand. Shuffling herself closer to him, Johnnie has to consciously keep his hands from moving to hold the girl’s waist. After a minute or so of wiping Johnnie’s face, Y/n moves the wipe to the boy’s lips, softly wiping the lipstick she applied there earlier. Looking away from his lips for a moment, she looks into the blue eyes of the boy in front of her, his own eyes having to quickly look away from her lips to meet her eyes. Their heartbeat picking up, Johnnie opens his mouth, not saying anything for a moment, trying to build up the courage to say what he has wanted to say for the past few months.

“Y/n, I- um.. I really like you.”

After a couple seconds of processing what was finally being said to her after years of longing for the boy, Y/n presses her lips to Johnnie’s. Their lips moving together, her hands moving to hold the sides of Johnnie’s neck, his own moving to hold her waist. Johnnie quickly pulls away before saying, “I hope you like me too, or else I think I’m getting mixed signals.” “Shut up, Johnnie.” She says, both laughing together, bringing each other into another kiss.

- comments -

y/n_lover: love that these two are friends again!! ❤️❤️

bella_33: they laugh at anything the other says lol

not..jaden: "me and johnnie are friends again" is that all???

taraisyummy: johnnie was trying so hard to keep his hands off y/n

rodrickkk: they were right person wrong time and this is their second chance 😭

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Author: Prof. An Powlowski

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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

Birthday: 1992-09-29

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Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.