Abyssal modules - EVE University Wiki (2024)

Abyssal modules - EVE University Wiki (1)
Triglavian links
Abyssal modules - EVE University Wiki (2)Triglavian Collective
Areas of operation
  • Abyssal Deadspace
  • Abyssal Proving Grounds
  • Pochven
Related topics
  • Abyssal Modules
  • Entropic Disintegrators
  • Metaliminal Storms
  • Needlejack Filaments
  • Special NPCs
  • Combat anomalies
  • Getting positive standings
Community guides
  • Attempt to Overcome Guide
  • Abyssal Community Fits
  • Calm Abyss Assault Frigates
  • Abyssal Deadspace FAQ
  • Abyss Tracker guide
  • Possibile rooms in Abyss
  • Abyss Overview Setup
  • Where to run Abyss
Past operations
  • Triglavian Invasion (Chapter 3)

Tooltip of an abyssal module, showing the original module and mutaplasmid, the attributes which were mutated, and how great the mutations were

Abyssal modules are modules that have been mutated with mutaplasmids. The result is that some of their stats have been increased or decreased. Abyssal modules have the same skill requirements as a T2 module regardless of the module's skill requirements before the mutation.

Abyssal modules can be identified from the "Abyssal" in their name and from the symbol at the corner of the module icon.


  • 1 Creating abyssal modules
  • 2 Mutaplasmids
  • 3 Modifiable modules
    • 3.1 Mutated drones

Creating abyssal modules

The abyssal module creation window will show the possible range for modified stats. Hovering over the module slot will show what modules are compatible with this mutaplasmid.

Two items are required to create an abyssal module:

  • a Mutaplasmid
  • a module that is compatible with that mutaplasmid

The module used can be of any tech or meta level, and will determine the resulting abyssal module's base stats.

To create (or "Roll" or "Mutate") the abyssal module:

  1. Either double-click on or right-click and Use the mutaplasmid. This will open a window with a slot that can accept a module.
  2. Drag and drop the chosen module into the slot, or hover over the slot to view a list of all compatible modules. Modules in that list that are in the same hangar as the mutaplasmid are highlighted and can be selected from the list.
  3. The right side of the window will then display a list of the possible stat changes the module can receive.
  4. Pressing the Mutate button will combine the module and mutaplasmid to create a new abyssal module. The window will display the module's newly adjusted stats.

Each stat that is modified by the mutaplasmid is modified independently, from a flat random distribution across the possible range. This means that:

  • Unstable mutaplasmids have the highest possible bonuses, but they also have the highest chances of getting penalties
  • Gravid mutaplasmids have the best odds of creating some degree of positive effect on a module

Multiple modules cannot be mutated simultaneously, however, if there are multiple available mutaplasmids of the same type the mutation window will give the option to immediately use another.

Mutating a module can only be done once, and cannot be undone.

Once mutated, the new module is a unique Abyssal module, and cannot be repackaged or sold on the market (although it can be Reprocessed into the minerals of a T1 variant). Abyssal modules can, however, be traded via Contracts, and the Contract window specifically allows for viewing the stats of mutated modules by hovering the mouse over the contract.

There are out-of-game websites and servers, such as mutaplasmid.space, which allow for better searching and comparing available contracts for abyssal modules. This all also means that Abyssal modules have no inherent ISK value, and so for any killmails which include Abyssal modules there is no good way of knowing how strong, weak, cheap, or valuable those modules were.


Mutaplasmids are acquired either from Triglavian Bioadaptive Caches found in Abyssal Deadspace, or in the wrecks of Invading Precursors found in Triglavian Invasion systems.

Mutaplasmids come in three strengths:

  • Decayed mutaplasmids are the most common, and offer the smallest possible benefits but also have the lowest possible penalties
  • Gravid mutaplasmids are intermediate, offering greater possible benefits and marginally greater possible penalties
  • Unstable mutaplasmids are the most in-demand, offering both the largest possible benefits and by far the largest possible penalties

Two special types of mutaplasmids have only one strength:

  • Radical mutaplasmids mutates Drone Damage Amplifiers and Fighter Support Units
  • Exigent mutaplasmids mutates Drones

Modifiable modules

Mutaplasmids exist only for certain module types and only certain module attributes are modified by mutaplasmids.

Modules with multiple size variations will have separate mutaplasmid for each size class. For example 1MN. 10MN and 100MN afterburners have separate mutaplasmids.

The table below lists different types of mutaplasmids and what stats each mutaplasmid modifies.

Abyssal modules - EVE University Wiki (6) Armor Plate Mutaplasmids
Attribute ChangesAbyssal modules - EVE University Wiki (7)DecayedAbyssal modules - EVE University Wiki (8)GravidAbyssal modules - EVE University Wiki (9)Unstable
Armor HP bonus-5% - +10%-10% - +20%-30% - +30%
Mass+20% - -15%+30% - -20%+40% - -40%
CPU usage+25% - -5%+30% - -15%+50% - -20%
PG usage+25% - -5%+30% - -15%+50% - -20%
Abyssal modules - EVE University Wiki (10) Armor Repairer Mutaplasmids
Attribute ChangesAbyssal modules - EVE University Wiki (11)DecayedAbyssal modules - EVE University Wiki (12)GravidAbyssal modules - EVE University Wiki (13)Unstable
Activation cost+20% - -15%+15% - -10%+20% - -20%
Activation duration+2% - -5%+5% - -7%+10% - -10%
Armor hitpoints repaired-5% - +10%-10% - +15%-20% - +20%
CPU usage+25% - -5%+30% - -15%+50% - -20%
PG usage+25% - -5%+30% - -15%+50% - -20%
Abyssal modules - EVE University Wiki (14) Ancillary Armor Repairer Mutaplasmids
Attribute ChangesAbyssal modules - EVE University Wiki (15)Unstable
Activation cost+40% - -40%
Activation duration+20% - -20%
Armor hitpoints repaired-20% - +20%
Reload time+30% - -30%
CPU usage+50% - -20%
PG usage+50% - -20%
Abyssal modules - EVE University Wiki (16) Shield Extender Mutaplasmids
Attribute ChangesDecayedGravidUnstable
Shield Hitpoint Bonus-5% - +10%-10% - +20%-30% - +30%
CPU usage+25% - -5%+30% - -15%+50% - -20%
Powergrid Usage+25% - -5%+30% - -15%+50% - -20%
Signature Radius Modifier+30% - -10%+40% - -20%+50% - -30%
Abyssal modules - EVE University Wiki (20) Shield Booster Mutaplasmids
Attribute ChangesDecayedGravidUnstable
Activation time / duration+2% - -5%+5% - -7%+10% - -10%
CPU usage+25% - -5%+30% - -15%+50% - -20%
Shield Bonus-5% - +10%-10% - +15%-20% - +20%
Activation Cost+20% - -15%+30% - -20%+40% - -40%
Powergrid Usage+25% - -5%+30% - -15%+50% - -20%
Abyssal modules - EVE University Wiki (24) Ancillary Shield Booster Mutaplasmids
Attribute ChangesUnstable
Activation time / duration+20% - -20%
CPU usage+50% - -20%
Shield Bonus-20% - +20%
Activation Cost+40% - -40%
Powergrid Usage+50% - -20%
Reload Time+30% - -30%
Abyssal modules - EVE University Wiki (26) Damage Control Mutaplasmids
Attribute ChangesDecayedGravidUnstable
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance-10% - +5%-20% - +10%-30% - +30%
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance-10% - +5%-20% - +10%-30% - +30%
CPU usage+25% - -5%+30% - -15%+50% - -20%
Structure EM Damage Resistance-10% - +5%-20% - +10%-30% - +30%
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance-10% - +5%-20% - +10%-30% - +30%
Abyssal modules - EVE University Wiki (30) Assault Damage Control Mutaplasmids
Attribute ChangesDecayedGravidUnstable
Activation time / duration-5% - +8%-10% - +15%-20% - +20%
Structure EM Damage Resistance-10% - +5%-20% - +10%-30% - +30%
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance-10% - +5%-20% - +10%-30% - +30%
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance-10% - +5%-20% - +10%-30% - +30%
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance-10% - +5%-20% - +10%-30% - +30%
CPU usage+25% - -5%+30% - -15%+50% - -20%
Abyssal modules - EVE University Wiki (34) Afterburner Mutaplasmids
Attribute ChangesDecayedGravidUnstable
CPU usage+25% - -5%+30% - -15%-50% - -20%
Maximum Velocity Bonus-5% - +10%-5% - +15%-20% - +20%
Activation Cost+20% - -15%+30% - -20%+40% - -40%
Powergrid Usage+25% - -5%+30% - -15%+50% - -20%
Abyssal modules - EVE University Wiki (38) Microwarpdrive Mutaplasmids
Attribute ChangesDecayedGravidUnstable
CPU usage+25% - -5%+30% - -15%-50% - -20%
Activation Cost+20% - -15%+30% - -20%+40% - -40%
Maximum Velocity Bonus-3% - +3%-5% - +7%-10% - +10%
Signature Radius Modifier-5% - +10%+10% - -20%+30 - -30%
Powergrid Usage+25% - -5%+30% - -15%+50% - -20%
Abyssal modules - EVE University Wiki (42) Capacitor Batteries Mutaplasmids
Attribute ChangesDecayedGravidUnstable
CPU usage+25% - -5%+30% - -15%+50% - -20%
Capacitor Bonus-5% - +10%-10% - +20%-30% - +30%
Powergrid Usage+25% - -5%+30% - -15%+50% - -20%
Capacitor Warfare Resistance Bonus-5% - +10%-10% - +20%-30% - +30%
Abyssal modules - EVE University Wiki (46) Energy Neutralizer Mutaplasmids
Attribute ChangesDecayedGravidUnstable
Neutralization Amount-5% - +10%-10% - +20%-30% - +30%
CPU usage+25% - -5%+30% - -15%+50% - -20%
Activation Cost+20% - -15%+30% - -20%+40% - -40%
Powergrid Usage+25% - -5%+30% - -15%+50% - -20%
Optimal Range-15% - +20%-20% - +30%-40% - +40%
Abyssal modules - EVE University Wiki (50) Small Energy Nosferatu Mutaplasmid
Attribute ChangesDecayedGravidUnstable
CPU usage+25% - -5%+30% - -15%+50% - -20%
Powergrid Usage+25% - -5%+30% - -15%+50% - -20%
Energy transfer amount-5% - +10%-10% - +20%-30% - +30%
Optimal Range-15% - +20%-20% - +30%-40% - +40%
Abyssal modules - EVE University Wiki (54) Siege Module Mutaplasmids
Attribute ChangesDecayedGravidUnstable
Turret Damage Bonus0% - +1%-2% - +1%-2% - +2%
Siege Missile Damage Bonus-1% - +1%-3% - +2%-3% - +3%
Armor Repairer / Shield Booster Amount Bonus-5% - +2%-10% - +15%-20% - +20%
Armor Repairer / Shield Booster Duration Bonus+2% - -5%+5% - -7%+10% - -10%
Powergrid Usage+25% - -5%+30% - -15%+50% - -20%
Abyssal modules - EVE University Wiki (58) Stasis Webifier Mutaplasmid
Attribute ChangesDecayedGravidUnstable
CPU usage+25% - -5%+30% - -15%+50% - -20%
Maximum Velocity Bonus-3% - +3%-5% - +7%-10% - +10%
Activation Cost+40% - +80%+100% - 0%+150% - -10%
Optimal Range-5% - +8%-10% - +15%-20% - +20%
Abyssal modules - EVE University Wiki (62) Warp Scrambler Mutaplasmid
Attribute ChangesDecayedGravidUnstable
CPU usage+25% - -5%+30% - -15%+50% - -20%
Activation Cost+80% - +40%+100% - 0%+100% - -10%
Optimal Range-5% - +8%-10% - +15%-20% - +20%
Abyssal modules - EVE University Wiki (66) Warp Disruptor Mutaplasmid
Attribute ChangesDecayedGravidUnstable
CPU usage+25% - -5%+30% - -15%+50% - -20%
Activation Cost+80% - +40%+100% - 0%+100% - -10%
Optimal Range-5% - +8%-10% - +15%-20% - +20%
Abyssal modules - EVE University Wiki (70)/Abyssal modules - EVE University Wiki (71) Weapon upgrade mutaplasmids
Attribute Changes/Decayed/Gravid/Unstable
Damage Modifier+0% - +1%-1% - +1%-2% - +2%
Rate of Fire bonus-1% - +1%-2% - +1%-2% - +2%
CPU usage+25% - -5%+30% - -15%+50% - -20%
Abyssal modules - EVE University Wiki (78) Drone Mutaplasmids
Attribute ChangesExigent
Damage Modifier-30% - +10%0% - +20%-30% - +10%-30% - +10%
Turret Tracking-30% - +15%-30% - +15%0% - +30%-30% - +15%
Maximum Velocity-30% - +15%-30% - +15%0% - +30%-30% - +15%
Shield Capacity0% - +30%-30% - +15%-30% - +15%-30% - +15%
Structure Hitpoints0% - +30%-30% - +15%-30% - +15%-30% - +15%
Optimal Range-30% - +15%-30% - +15%-30% - +15%0% - +30%
Armor Hitpoints0% - +30%-30% - +15%-30% - +15%-30% - +15%
Accuracy Falloff-30% - +15%-30% - +15%-30% - +15%0% - +30%
Abyssal modules - EVE University Wiki (83) Drone Damage Amplifier Mutaplasmid
Attribute ChangesRadical
CPU Usage+50% - -30%
Drone Damage Bonus-20% - +20%
Abyssal modules - EVE University Wiki (85) Fighter Support Unit Mutaplasmid
Attribute ChangesRadical
CPU Usage+50% - -30%
Fighter ROF Bonus-1% - +13%
Fighter Shield Bonus-1% - +1%
Fighter Shield Recharge Bonus-1% - +1%
Fighter Velocity Bonus-1% - +1%
Powergrid Usage+50% - -30%

Mutated drones

Main article: Mutated drones

The process of combining a mutaplasmid and an existing T1, T2, or Faction combat drone mutates it into a unique Abyssal drone with the original drone's stats randomly mutated (for better or worse). The new drone will have the word Mutated inserted into its name such as Sentry Mutated Drone, and it will have unique stats and thus cannot be traded on the Market (you can trade them via Contracts etc.)

The mutaplasmids follow the standard nomenclature reflecting size and type: Exigent [size] Drone [attribute] Mutaplasmid

Abyssal modules - EVE University Wiki (2024)


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